by Seeker4 297 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sir82


    Excellent! Thank you.

    Next question (rhetorical really): Whose heads are going to get chopped off for this? Seems that someone, or several someones, really dropped the ball in allowing these documents to be accessible, especially given that wily "apostate opposers of God's Kingdom" are so active.

    Methinks there's going to be a few "special pioneers" (with law degrees) suddenly assigned to Mosquito Pit, South Dakota soon.

    Plus a few more strongly worded assembly talks & members-only Watchtower articles on the topic of "don't believe everything you read, even if it has Merton Campbell's signature on it."

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Barbara Anderson’s commentary offers good insight into these court documents. But her commentary admits she has only touched the surface of what is to be learned from all the data she has amassed.

    She invites and encourages readers and researchers to take up the challenge of sifting and correlating this mountain of data into usable information from as many perspectives as there are readers. Don’t get me wrong. Barbara has done a good job organizing the information released with her commentary. But the depth of material is far more than any single consideration could do justice to. Researchers will be analyzing this data for years to come.

    Yes, you can say it is worth reading.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    You ask an interesting question by inquiring whose heads are going to roll. One of Barbara’s closing remarks states, “Why do members of the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (called Bethel) continue to tolerate this conduct by officials of the Watchtower Society?”

    I don’t know if any heads are going to roll. Perhaps they already have rolled and are now in one little dank and dirty pot in Brooklyn. Have you considered this? I can tell you this much, after reading through this material you feel like you’ve been dragged through sewer crap, and the stench is coming from Brooklyn.

    If nothing else, perhaps Barbara has exposed with an unparalleled clarity just where the rolled heads have accumulated.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • mcsemike

    Hi Skeeter:

    I'm new to Florida, only been here 2 years and only been down route 4 to Tampa twice. A JW who works at my father's bank told me there was a convention in Kissimmee but I'm not sure where that is (south of Orlando?) or how close some towns are to big highways. I've been in NJ most of my life and every road is always crowded. I don't know where a good place would be that a billboard would be seen by many people except route 4. I know that's a big road.

    Some one from Tampa emailed me and mentioned this too. I've seen ex-JW support groups on Yahoo but in my area, there were only one or two people, Orlando had a bunch. I don't know how or where to raise the money to pay for the sign. My health isn't good and I'm not working now. Any ideas would be welcome.

    One idea I got was when I read Yahoo news alerts about the WT, sometimes the newspaper columnist's name is listed. I've emailed some of these and told them the story. A few had called Bethel and been lied to. One from the Concord paper in New England told me Bethel told her that when a pedophile confesses to the elders, that they announce his name and what he did from the platform. God, you should have seen how I lost my temper on that one. I set her straight and she called them back. Then they told her that "we're all one big happy family and we all would know who did it". I'd like to kill those lying bastards once and for all. (I better stop, my B/P is very high.)

    So you see what we're up against. The WT legal jackasses have no shame. They will do ANYTHING to look good and to make US look like Satan. I'm hoping that once people (and WT lurkers) look up the court records, that some will finally realize that WE could not have made this up if it's part of official courtroom evidence. Then the Tower should start to crumble. My best to you and thanks for your input.

    "Revenge is a dish best served cold." (THE GODFATHER)

  • wednesday

    Barbara, God bless you. I ordered mine.

    I wish we could get Bill Oreilly interested. I would love to see Barbara being interviewed by him. Like him or not, he has forced some others into action in regard to child molestation and the laws in some states.

    Are these the records of the recent settlements , the one s with "gag" orders?

  • GetBusyLiving
    after reading through this material you feel like you’ve been dragged through sewer crap

    I ordered mine.


  • Sparkplug

    I am going to need to get one of these. I would like it in book form best though. (I love books) Did you say it was going to be in book form?

  • badboy


  • Bryan

    Thanks Barb,

    Ordered mine and looking forward to reading your commentary. And a peek at those docs of course!



  • slimboyfat

    Just yanking yer chain Marvin. I forgot an appropriate emoticon - I have never seen you this excited before.

    It's just a shame none of the details will relate to the UK (at least I don't suppose), but it should be interesting nonetheless.


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