by Seeker4 297 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • restrangled

    Just ordered my copy and got the message that it has to be produced. The orders must be flying in!!!!

    I hope I get it before the WBTS tries to put a restraining order on sales. Only problem is, its already too late if copies are already out there.

    Thanks to Barbra for your hard work and anyone else involved. $29.95 is a drop in the bucket for your work.

    Thank you Seeker 4 for posting this.

    In Florida most court documents are available on line if you know how to look for them. Personal information is supposed to be redacted; such as SS numbers. Every once in a while you find those numbers along with everything else, and it is the person's responsibility to notify the State if they find a document revealing what shouldn't be available on line about themselves. I check my own all the time.

    Too bad the big bad WBTS weren't smart enough to figure this out. (I guess the Lawyers must have been avoiding the internet as instructed)


  • looking_glass

    Thanks Seek - I probably should have read the whole thing before posting. Thanks for straightening me out. L_G

    Edited to add:

    I hope I get it before the WBTS tries to put a restraining order on sales.

    They would have already had to have done this. Clearly based on the fact that e-watchman knows about it, the WTBTS knows about it. They would have already had their henchmen out breaking knee caps as soon as they got a whiff of it. So they are SOL. Too bad for them.

  • greendawn

    Barbara Anderson has to get one back on them after she got DFed by the cult for trying to protect the victims of child abuse. That was the terrible crime she committed in the eyes of jehovah and had to be condemned sure to get zapped at armageddon if she doesn't apologise for what she did.

    That book must have a lot of interesting info among those records especially what the WTS lawyers said.

  • avishai

    Anyone who's read it, was there any info on a guy named Tyler Davidow?

    He had one of the lawsuits in Oregon, and yes, it's OK to use his name, he told them to use it in the press when they asked, he said "USE my name, I did'nt do a damn thing wrong"

    Oh, yeah, he's my brother.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    The Davidow case is referenced several times in at least one of the case files included in this package of court documents. The Davidow case file is not included, but some documents from that case file are included as exhibits and reference documents in another set of case files provided.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • skeeter1

    From reading the following, I do not think there is any problem with Barbara distributing the documents the courts have given her. The court system is YOUR system too & the vast majority of the documents housed in the court system are YOUR documents. I pulled the following on California's law.







    The First Amendment right of free speech carries with it the right to listen. Therefore, court proceedings are presumed open, unless specifically closed by law or a party proves that an overriding interest in justice requires closure. (Richmond Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia, 44 U.S. 555 (1980); Globe Newspapers v. Superior Court, 457 U.S. 596 (1982); NBC Subsidiary Inc. v. Superior Court, 20 Cal. 4th 1178 (1999)).


    Criminal: All stages, from arraignment and bail hearings to change-of-plea hearings, pre-trial motions, jury selection, trial, and sentencing are presumed open. A proceeding may be closed if the court finds, on the public record, that the defendant’s constitutional right to a fair trial is threatened. The defendant must prove that closure is required because “substantial probability” exists that a fair trial will be impaired, that any closure or gag order will be effective, and that there is no alternative. (Nebraska Press Ass’n v. Stuart, 427 U.S. 539 (1976); Press-Enterprise v. Superior Court, 464 US 501 (1984); Press-Enterprise v. Superior Court, 478 US 1 (1986)).

    Civil: : All court proceedings, including court hearings on discovery and pre-trial motions are presumed open. To close a proceeding, the court must find that (1) limiting public access serves an overriding interest; (2) there is a substantial probability that interest will be prejudiced without closure; (3) the closure order is narrowly con-structed to serve that interest; and (4) there is no less restrictive way to protect that interest. The order to close a proceeding must state the factual and legal bases on the record. (NBC Subsidiary, Inc. v. Superior Court, 20 Cal. 4th 1178 (1999) CRC 243.1) The court must give public notice that it intends to hold a hearing before closing a courtroom.

    Note: In both criminal and civil matters, judges have wide discretion to impose gag orders on court personnel and trial participants such as parties and their lawyers.

    Recording or Broadcasting In Court...



    • side bar or in-chambers conferences, although transcripts of proceedings are usually available.
    • settlement conferences including mediation and arbitration hearings.


    • juvenile proceedings, unless the minor (a) is charged with specified violent crimes or (b) asks the court to open the hearing. The court is also closed if the crime is a sex offense and the victim requests a closed hearing, or during victim's testimony if the victim is under age 16. (Welfare & Inst. Code §676)


    • many family law proceedings, e.g., adoption, visitation, custody, annulment, child support.
    • mental competency hearings for involun-tary commitment, unless a party asks that the hearing be open. (Civ. Code §5118)
    • out of court discovery such as depositions, interrogatories and document productions. (Seattle Times v. Rhinehart, 467 U.S. 20 (1984))
    What To Do About Closed Proceedings...



    Access to court records is as important as the right to attend the proceeding itself. Court records may be sealed only by statute or by a court order setting forth findings that (1) there exists an overriding in-terest supporting sealing; (2) there is a substantial probability the interest will be prejudiced absent sealing; (3) the proposed sealing order is narrowly tailored; and (4) there is no less restrictive means of achieving the overriding interest. (CRC 243.1, 243.2, NBC Subsidiary, Inc. v. Superior Court, 20 Cal.4th 1178 (1999); Copley Press v. Superior Court, 63 Cal.App.4th 367 (1998)). The order must specify the documents and pages, or portions of pages, that are to be sealed. Sealed records may be reviewed only upon an order of the court.

    • Material not introduced in, or filed with the court is not public. Court records are not covered by the California Public Records Act. Thus, the Act’s provisions on access, time, and cost do not apply.

    Anyone is entitled to see any evidence introduced in open court and any unsealed court record (including transcripts) in the court file. No fee is required to view records, but there may be a fee for copies.

    • Criminal: Executed search and arrest warrants after the 10th day after issuance (Penal Code §1534); grand jury testimony that resulted in an indictment after 10 days following delivery of the transcript to the defendant; (Penal Code §938.1) probation officer reports for the 60 days following sentencing or grant of probation (Pe-nal Code §1203.05); old probation reports when the subject is charged with a new crime; written victim statements (Penal Code §1191.15) after sentence is entered. • Civil: Settlement agreements that are filed in court. A party seeking to keep an agreement secret must show that the need for secrecy outweighs the presumption of public access (Matter of Hearst, 67 Cal.App.3d 777 (1997)). If a party to the settlement is a public agency, the settlement is public under the Public Records Act (Govt. Code §6254(b)); Freedom Newspa-pers v. County of Orange, 158 Cal.App.3d 893 (1984)).

    Note: A defendant's right to a fair trial is not the only reason to seal a record.


    Criminal: Records of grand juries that do not enter an indictment (Penal Code §924.6); juvenilecourt records (Welf. & Inst. Code §827), ex-cept some records when minors escape deten-tion facilities (Welf. & Inst. Code §828), and after a §602 petition has been sustained for a Welf. & Inst. Code §676(a) offense; pre-sentencing mental evaluation records (Penal Code §1203.03) [the contents may be in Probation Officer Reports]; indigent applications (Penal Code §987.9); any record for which the court finds disclosure would jeopardize a defendant’s right to a fair trial.

    Civil examples: Adoption records (Fam. Code §9200); trade secret information (Civ. Code §3426.5); civil attachment records for 30 days upon request of the plaintiff (Civ. Proc. Code §482.050); discovery records such as deposition transcripts, interrogatory answers and other documents obtained in discovery, until filed in court records or introduced in evidence. (The records Barbara has were filed with the court - so they are open despite they were mere discovery/pretrial records.)But a party may be willing to share them.

  • jgnat


  • Seeker4


    Kind of hard to read all of this, so it's easy to miss a few things. Thanks for your input!

    Actually, the WTS and the other websites would only have learned about this today.

    As far as I know, the very first public mention of this was when I started this thread this morning.


  • mcsemike

    To Skeeter1:

    You made some very good points and did a lot of research. I know they hide the identity of abuse victims and I can understand that. But adults who have broken the law, in my opinion at least, don't deserve a whole lot of privacy. Out west in the 1800's, they had open trials and the entire town watched them hang horse thieves. I don't see much difference between that and what the WT is doing wrong.

    I'm not an expert on the Bible, but didn't they hold court at the city gates so the entire town could attend to offer testimony, to watch, to learn, to see that things were done according to law, etc.? So I don't understand where the Hell the GB gets off demanding all this privacy. Gag orders suck big time and it takes a group of Nazi cowards to pay out money, which NEVER would have happened in a million years unless they knew they were caught, and then to demand that the victims remain silent. If that happened in my family's case, it would have been over my dead body. I don't know how they can sleep at night. Oh, wait. I forgot the luxurious high rises they live in while the missionaries battle malaria and parasites.

    I don't really know how many of the ordinary Bethel workers know the truth about all this garbage or how they feel about it. But after WW2, they hung many prison guards for their actions. The claim "I was only following orders." didn't cut it. And it shouldn't protect them now. What if a Mafia button whacks a guy and then says "my capo told me to do it"? Will they let him off or did he commit a murder? Whatever happened to consciences? How many verses are there about carrying your own load, being responsible for your actions, and all the rest?

    It's painfully obvious to most sane people that the rank and file have mental problems, especially if they continue to gulp down anything and everything that the FDS tells them. And on top of that, when they are warned not to listen to ANYONE that tells them the GB is wrong, well, I'm sorry but I'm afraid I have to conclude that their IQ's are in the single digits. Most of us were JW's at one time and "went along" with certain things. But I think it's safe to say that most of us would NOT have had any part in the nonsense that has occurred concerning child abuse and other things. The UN thing alone would have made me resign as an elder had I been one. I was a MS and book study conductor for years and I stepped down for far less serious things than the UN and child abuse.

    I'm especially puzzled how some of the mothers of victims can accept this and remain as JW's. My wife's excuse is "IF (notice the "IF", as if there is any doubt) there are any bad elders, Jehovah will remove them in his due time". I reminded her that it was HER own baby (and mine) who was abused due to the elders remaining silent. It didn't matter. Out comes that magic phrase, "In the new system, all this will be fixed." I wonder how that would hold up if the public burned down halls, killed elders, bombed Bethel and said to the WT "Just shut up and take it. Someday it won't matter anymore."

    What if Freeminds, Silent Lambs, and other people are God's way of bringing this to light? Can the GB/WT prove that God is NOT using us to make this public and get it stopped? The GB certainly isn't doing the job.

    Does anyone ever wonder if WE are God's means to make the WT reform? I'm curious about anyone's thoughts on this. Thank you.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    As seeker4 says the info was well protected. There has been no hint of what info Barb had or when it would be ready for release. I know I have seen nothing about it.

    The mods here have been careful to watch the board for any premature leaking of the info. And it was that caution this morning that resulted in the thread being moved off the board temporarily while a check was made regarding the release of info. The mods knew something was coming but didn't even know when it was to be released.

    Barb did her homework and planned this very well.

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