To Skeeter1:
You made some very good points and did a lot of research. I know they hide the identity of abuse victims and I can understand that. But adults who have broken the law, in my opinion at least, don't deserve a whole lot of privacy. Out west in the 1800's, they had open trials and the entire town watched them hang horse thieves. I don't see much difference between that and what the WT is doing wrong.
I'm not an expert on the Bible, but didn't they hold court at the city gates so the entire town could attend to offer testimony, to watch, to learn, to see that things were done according to law, etc.? So I don't understand where the Hell the GB gets off demanding all this privacy. Gag orders suck big time and it takes a group of Nazi cowards to pay out money, which NEVER would have happened in a million years unless they knew they were caught, and then to demand that the victims remain silent. If that happened in my family's case, it would have been over my dead body. I don't know how they can sleep at night. Oh, wait. I forgot the luxurious high rises they live in while the missionaries battle malaria and parasites.
I don't really know how many of the ordinary Bethel workers know the truth about all this garbage or how they feel about it. But after WW2, they hung many prison guards for their actions. The claim "I was only following orders." didn't cut it. And it shouldn't protect them now. What if a Mafia button whacks a guy and then says "my capo told me to do it"? Will they let him off or did he commit a murder? Whatever happened to consciences? How many verses are there about carrying your own load, being responsible for your actions, and all the rest?
It's painfully obvious to most sane people that the rank and file have mental problems, especially if they continue to gulp down anything and everything that the FDS tells them. And on top of that, when they are warned not to listen to ANYONE that tells them the GB is wrong, well, I'm sorry but I'm afraid I have to conclude that their IQ's are in the single digits. Most of us were JW's at one time and "went along" with certain things. But I think it's safe to say that most of us would NOT have had any part in the nonsense that has occurred concerning child abuse and other things. The UN thing alone would have made me resign as an elder had I been one. I was a MS and book study conductor for years and I stepped down for far less serious things than the UN and child abuse.
I'm especially puzzled how some of the mothers of victims can accept this and remain as JW's. My wife's excuse is "IF (notice the "IF", as if there is any doubt) there are any bad elders, Jehovah will remove them in his due time". I reminded her that it was HER own baby (and mine) who was abused due to the elders remaining silent. It didn't matter. Out comes that magic phrase, "In the new system, all this will be fixed." I wonder how that would hold up if the public burned down halls, killed elders, bombed Bethel and said to the WT "Just shut up and take it. Someday it won't matter anymore."
What if Freeminds, Silent Lambs, and other people are God's way of bringing this to light? Can the GB/WT prove that God is NOT using us to make this public and get it stopped? The GB certainly isn't doing the job.
Does anyone ever wonder if WE are God's means to make the WT reform? I'm curious about anyone's thoughts on this. Thank you.