where will sexual offenders live?

by purplesofa 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Twitch

    My friend Mr B says "Any sexual offense done to children should be punishable by death, if help is not possible" My friend has good reasons to say such a thing, being a victim of a child molester.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    I thought you meant . . .in the new system, where will they live. Silly!

    I agree with your comments.

  • sammielee24

    Who defines being on the sex offender list though? What about the kid at 17 who has sex with his 15 year old girlfriend and now is a sex offender - on the list forever, because of that. The first thing that needs to happen is that the laws need to be consistent and they aren't and never will be. Isn't the legal age for marriage in some States still as low as 14? So if a girl gets married at 14 to a 45 year old man, its called marriage and not sexual interference? We make it okay by making it legal. So to me, there should be consistency in all the laws first, then consistency in penalty and treatment after - its all too scattered. There are a lot of them in my area after looking at the map, but I'm just as concerned as the ones not on the list. The majority of sexual abuse is by people close to the victim - family and 'friends', and many of those will wrapped in a cloak of secrecy and safety because the families don't want to endure the shame, the humiliation, the pain of having to face the reality of the issue. sammieswife.

  • BrentR

    See my above post for how that is handled in WA state.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    California recently passed an initiative requiring sex offenders to live no closer than 2000 feet from schools and parks. It was appealed and interpreted to apply to only those paroled after the date it was passed. This was wise in reality. Facts show that in one midwest state this requirement was put on offenders and over 50,000 of them dropped off the map. They just stopped registering. It is shown that they generally don't piss in their own well as it were, looking elsewhere other than a local school to re offend. The restriction does nothing but cause them to concentrate in small areas of town where they can meet the requirement. It's unfair to those good people in that area to have to be inundated with these creeps. When these offenders are under stress they tend to re offend more often. When they are left in a stable environment, ie: home with family or whomever, they tend to stay on a more even keel. If they have to be somewhere, let them be around people who know where they are and can help protect people in general from a threat that would be increased by boxing them in further. They also wanted to put electronic bracelets on most. This would have cost umpteen millions to provide, monitor and supervise. It's also not necessary for the majority, just the ones that shouldn't have been released in the first place! Too many innocent people have been caught in this web. Divorces get nasty and the mother puts the kids up to say shit about the ex. They tried that with my brother but his kids wouldn't go along with the mother and exposed it from the start! She's a faithful sister by the way! He's DF'd for leaving her sorry, money grubbing, lazy, faithful ass and divorcing her after five years of separation. He found a "worldly" woman who knows how to be a real wife and partner in life. Thank goodness. W.Once

  • snarf

    As a child I was molested and feel the exact same way. WHat he did to me has forever changed my views of myself, and society. I think all sex offenders that rape should be castrated or given permanent injections of drugs that prohibit sexual desire. I still have nightmares and panic attacks because of what the arse did to me over 15 years ago, while he sleeps peacefully somewhere without a care in the world. Also, they need to change the laws on representation in court. He got a free court appointed lawyer while I would have had to pay 100 an hour for my lawyer. Things didn't go the court way, but that is another sad story I will never tell here cause I have dealt with it the best I could...actually I think I told it about a year ago in a post somewhere.

    To all fellow people who have been through abuse, keep on keepin on. The scars will always be there, but be the best you can be. Success is the best revenge.

  • sammielee24
    To all fellow people who have been through abuse, keep on keepin on. The scars will always be there, but be the best you can be. Success is the best revenge

    Thanks snarf....I appreciate what you said. You know what makes me very, very sad though - is the lack of real empathy or real understanding of people everywhere when judging others too quickly and without even knowing that person. Too often I hear people say a person is responsible for their actions or their life and judge them for being what they percieve as lazy, parasites, a cost to society of their own accord when in reality, that person may be struggling constantly with the scars of rape and abuse. Some people just cannot get past such abuse - maybe they don't have the inner strength, I don't know. What I do know is that sometimes those gentle, kind souls that have their lives ripped apart by such events, end up in poverty, multiple relationships, uneducated, social misfits - and for that they get abused even more because they haven't somehow measured up to the rest of society. I just find it inherently sad. sammieswife.

  • FairMind

    The problem with this law (and my state has it) is that not all of the affected sex offenders are guilty of the same type of offense. A child rapist is one thing (No mercy) but a sex offender can be a eighteen year old having sex with his fifteen year old girl friend. It this type of nonsense that many are protesting,

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