I need your opinion on the WT pedophile cover up

by TooBad TooSad 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Scully

    The Martian writes:

    How can anyone CONDEMN someone- and ruin their life- when we can't read hearts- and know with absolute CERTAINLY if someone did something in privacy?????

    Yet the flip side of this argument is that - without the ability to read hearts - you would permit even ONE child to be molested and the molester to get away with such a heinous crime. You would permit a child's life to be ruined and force them to be silenced for the sake of sparing embarrassment to one of your associates? Frankly, that's a disgusting and entirely unethical position to take. The measure of a society's ethics is in how it acts to protect the best interests of its most vulnerable members, not in protecting able-bodied persons from due process.

    This is why such a serious allegation as child sexual abuse should be investigated by the proper authorities, not left in the hands of people (imperfect men) whose sole interests are in proving their Loyaltyâ„¢ to an organization and ensuring that no Reproachâ„¢ comes to the organization. Remember, the real reproach is in the act of molestation and any attempts to conceal it and obstruct justice from being served, not in its being exposed.

  • skeeter1

    The gist of Martians post was that Bethel feels pity towards the accused & doesn't want to ruin his life out of compassion.

    Hmmm....let's think about that?

    Bethel feels pity toward the suspected abuser?

    Pity turns caring people into enablers. Bethel has enabled 25,000 pedophiles & rapists, out of pity? Pity is a waste. Empathy is a much better emotion. Bethel should have directed empathy towards the child & the child's family. It did not.

    Bethel decides not to report a suspected abuser?

    As we know, Bethel supports its decision with the "2 witness" rule. But, when this verse was written, the times were very different. There is no evidence that this verse also applied to serious crimes, such as child molestation, against other Christians!

    Bethel is trying to play "God" when it decides to not report to police, as required by law. The police have the labs, investigators, etc. that have the expertise to get to the bottom of the matter. If the claim has merit, we have pretty darn good trials. This isn't Roman times....

    The Book of Romans talks about how the government powers are put in place by God. Jesus even told Pilate that Pilate's power came from God (John 19:11). Jesus respected earthly, government powers, though he may not always agree with them. He let them do their job. Their job always fulfilled God's will. Bethel is trying to usurp God's power when it doesn't report child molestors to police.

    As God gives power, He can take it away. Did you know that Pilate was later stripped of his power & banished to what is now modern day France? He later died of suicide.

    I warn the Governing Body at Bethel that your abuse of power is going to be exposed. You hid behind your twisted interpretation of a scripture, while thousands upon thousands of children were raped. You later declared other religions with the same problems to be "False Religion", all the while your own trial was going on. Perhaps God is stripping you of your power?

    Skeeter (The Pity stuff is from one of Auldsoul's guiding light speeches)

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I think the CD that is coming out from Barbra Anderson will finally blow the lid off of this fiasco. What do I think? I think it is despicable on every level. Everyone who goes along with it should try to put their child in the victim's places. How would you feel if you knew a respected brother had molested your child and the elders dismissed it because he didn't invite a big enough audience?

    I can't wait to peruse the court files and finally hear the real truth. Oh and Martian, you are just as despicable because you protect the good old boy's club while the children suffer in silence for life.

  • RebelWife

    "You and all the other anti-witnesses sniveling about that..." Uh, you do realize that includes some of the children who were raped, don't you? What a peculiar statement.

  • RebelWife

    Abuser minimizes victim's pain. Been there, had it done to me.

  • avishai

    I think you nailed it, RW, martian's post gave me the willies more than any post has in years. I could'nt quite put my finger on it, but having worked with abused persons and abusers as well in a social work capacity, i should have spotted it right off......

  • RebelWife

    Protecting an adult's reputation versus protecting a child from the damage of rape -- which is more important? Hmm, let me see... real tough question.

  • avishai

    Well, Mad/Martian, we're waiting!!

  • flipper

    Avishai, I thought the Martian's post was really creepy too....wonder what's up with that guy? mrs flipper

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