Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score

by serotonin_wraith 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • serotonin_wraith

    I've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc. I'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do. I did my test at

    Do it there or find another place, or if you already know, just add it to the thread. No lying! Mention whether you're an atheist, theist, spiritual, agnostic or whatever else people like to call themselves nowadays too.



    Score: 141

  • lilyflor

    I got 129. athiest.

    (probably could have done better if I had more fingers)

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    Lily welcome to the board, look forward to hearing more from you.


  • PEC

    lilyflor, welcome to JWD.

    127 with a headache.

    Philip (of I will believe in god when I see him class.)

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    scored a 131, not sure what to call myself though, i guess agnostic.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Atheist here...(as in the non-theist - I don't worship a specific god, but not that I think one can't exist variety)

    Never officially measured, but the last time I took a home-type test it was a 146. That was with our son (a toddler at the time) sitting in my lap "helping" me take it. Don't know what it would've been if I could have concentrated a bit more.

    Bit I still can't figure out how to set the time on the VCR so take that all for what it's worth....

  • changeling

    RV: you're losing points! Last time you tested at 147!

    This is not a good test folks. I won't even try! lol


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Athiest, 115

    I did this while playing with my three year old, so maybe I could be a little smarter if Barney wasn't blaring and the little one insists I sing along.

    I love you, you love me, we're just one big fa-mi-ly........

  • IP_SEC

    lazy atheist. I clicked on "Get My Results" and it crapped out. I guess i must have done good then huh?

    I really dont think belief or disbelief in god has to do with intelligence. Just he ability to suspspend logic.

  • sweetface2233

    Atheist...135...Mensa members are required to have an IQ of at least 132!

    No matter what test I've taken, I score over 130. This one seemed the test the same things as all the others.

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