JWs today are not like the ones I knew when I was growing up. We used to look down upon those that didn't make ALL of the meetings and REGULARLY go out in service EVERY weekend! If someone was not in the Theocratic Ministry School----what was wrong with them??? If a brother wasn't reaching out for additional "privileges", what kind of "loser" was he???? If you didn't vacation or auxillary pioneer on your school vacation, what kind of pretend Witness were you?
When the Watchtower wrote something for us to do----we did it! Or else, we'd have to deal with our fellow brothers and sisters disapproving of us, shunning us.
If you were sick or even sickly, that wasn't an excuse to miss a meeting! If you had relatives coming to visit and it was a meeting night, let them be comfortable and they could see you a couple of hours later.
When my beloved grandmother died, we were PROUD to be at the meeting that evening of her death. I was even granted the privilege of the closing prayer.
Witnesses of today are not going to quit a job because their boss makes them work on a meeting or service time. They ARE going to stay home if they have an ache or pain because everyone else does it now. Elders will actually call off meetings due to inclement weather because it's now considered reasonable.
If parents want to send their kids to college, they will because they know the Society may change their position yet again in the next decade. If people want to get married and even have children, they will do whatever pleases them.
There was a time when everyone was concerned that they might be offending another's conscience. HA! No one gives a care if your conscience is weak or you're all that sensitive. Too bad!
If JWs want to look on their computers at "apostate" sites or even pornography, they'll sneak a peek.
The Jehovah's Witness of today is TOTALLY different than from years ago. There may be more in numbers but certainly the commitment is not as strong. The Witnesses are self imploding.