I REALLY DON'T CARE...............................

by Warlock 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mary
    In general, the higher your IQ and the more education you have, the greater the probablity that you'll not believe in god. Therefore, in general again, atheists tend to be very bright, well educated people, people to whom reasoning and ideas are very important.

    True enough. But what I find intriging, is that there are people with PhD's who believe in God. These are educated people who have been taught to think and reason. I don't want this thread to become another rant between believers and non-believers, but I found this thread very interesting:


  • Seeker4

    Statistics are hard to come by, but what I was able to find is this:

    Active atheists comprise about 10% of the population (one figure I saw was as low as 4%), while the number of people who simply profess no belief in god, whether they've actively come to that conclusion or not, is around 20%. These figures are far from complete, as 85% of the population in the US considers themselves Christian!

    In the figures that Mary linked to, on average, about 33% of scientists are outright atheist, and in some sciences, like biology, it may be as much as 50%, which supports exactly what I was saying. Among scientists, you are 3 to 5 times as likely not to believe in god than among the population in general.

    Thanks for the link, Mary.


  • lonelysheep

    Good thread, Warlock.

    Some of those with low IQ's do not believe in gods, too.

  • 5go

    I think God is seen in his creation I think religion has just about killed God.

    Religion is a drug, and is in oposition to spirituality.

    God is nearly fed up.

    Why just god, why not the GODS

  • Awakened07

    I'd just like to say very briefly that I think I can come across as a "know-it-all" in some of my posts. If so, that is not my intention, I just state the "facts" as per my current and accumulated knowledge/understanding. Since I view myself as an atheist right now (maybe I should say agnostic, 'cause there seems to be some confusion as to what an atheist can be), it may seem like I bash the beliefs of theists. I would rather say that I'm just posting my view and pointing out things I disagree with, and/or trying to make people think logically. And as others have said before me this is a discussion forum, and if I put out my views I expect that people with opposing views would reply to my post and refute my points. If done in a somewhat civil manner, I wouldn't take that as an attack. It would then be my job to either counter that argument, or reevaluate my own understanding.

  • Warlock
    He may not exist, huh? How would you go about confirming or dispelling this doubt? Or are you happy to always have that "I might be wrong" thought without ever resolving it? Given that the non-existence of God can never be confirmed, can you think of any hypothetical proof that would move you from belief to disbelief?


    If God claims to be a spirit creature, hence invisible, how can anyone confirm his existence?

    Insofar as being happy about possibly being wrong, at least I admit I could be wrong. How about you? I doubt it.

    How many times a day do you "check" your beliefs, especially the one concerning Gods existence?

    What will prove to me whether God exists or not, will be my death.

    If he does exist, and if he will allow me, I will positively come back and haunt you, and Abaddon.


  • 5go

    What will prove to me whether God exists or not, will be my death.

    If he does exist, and if he will allow me, I will positively come back and haunt you, and Abaddon.


    What if she doesn't? What if there are gods and the evil looking agrees to it? Will you do it.


  • PEC

    Before coming to JWD, I considered believers as unintelligent and ignorant, I never had any invisible friends and considered those that did as menially ill/deficaint. I didn't care to get to know them or to talk to them, this is what the WTS left me with. On JWD I have read posts from may intelligent, non-judgmental, believers and now conceder them my friends, this is a huge change and I credit everyone on JWD for this change, thanks.


  • RAF

    In general, the higher your IQ and the more education you have, the greater the probablity that you'll not believe in god. Therefore, in general again, atheists tend to be very bright, well educated people, people to whom reasoning and ideas are very important.

    which IQ matter it is about? (those that we think that we can mesure by now and to which degree BTW?) Does that mean that you're likely be influenced by anyone who put's his degree or IQ in your face ... Like some are more influenced by money, or famous people? (if not all together).

    when this question is raised, at the end of most scientific reviews, what I can hear in the conclusion by scientists themselve is WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE ... That's smart and talks about their IQ level (when it comes to really answer to this question as a fact), since they can't prove anything about the BIG QUESTION.

    check marry's links (it talks about the majority in each opinion)

    Now if any "high IQ or low IQ" (it's still a moot point when people dont really want to think but just follow) thinks that he/she can prove that God does not exist ... maybe he/she thinks he/she thinks like a scientist him/herself (when scientists are cautiaus enough to not go that far when it's time to concluded all together) Or maybe he/she thinks that he/she is God? and that's just very limited IQ talking (a fact is a fact, a not proved theory is a not proved theory and an opinion is an opinion) if any goes further than that, forget about trying to prove that his/her IQ is higher.

    But I'm NOT (add since the NOT was missing) surprised that a lot of Atheists wants to believe it's a question of IQ tho ... (It talks)

  • Twitch
    Before coming to JWD, I considered believers as unintelligent and ignorant, I never had any invisible friends and considered those that did as menially ill/deficaint. I didn't care to get to know them or to talk to them, this is what the WTS left me with. On JWD I have read posts from may intelligent, non-judgmental, believers and now conceder them my friends, this is a huge change and I credit everyone on JWD for this change, thanks

    I can relate. I once had a girlfriend who was catholic and she never preached to me or even tried to debate the subject with me. She knew of my history and accepted me as I was, treated me with kindness and respect, even to this day. Looking back, I am ashamed of some of the things I said and did in regards to belittling her faith in god. It was my own trip obviously and I have nothing but respect for her in putting up with my bs in this regard. She taught me much of compassion and understanding, for which I am ever grateful.

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