"NO one can say for sure whether god does or does not exist, we all agree to that at the moment - it's just that the TOTAL LACK of evidence makes it reasonable to assume there is no god. At some point a god may decide to reveal itsself. Until then it's a moot point."
This is the most logical and realistic way to look at the issue - no one really knows.
I'de like to add as well to another point made on the mind: Each individual from childbirth on is presented with a belief system due to their environment and the individuals raising them. These belief systems are set until the child or grown child has a chance to investigate the world on their own and establish their own belief system. (sadly some never investigate)
This can be proven in the simplest things: A child will believe what a parent tells them (my daughter believed until she was about 10 that I truly had eyes in the back of my head - because I told her I did (lol). Although that is a very basic example of what the mind is fed, it shows that what we perceive as real is based on what we are led to believe.
On a larger scale, humans have been fed many beliefs, the most common the belief that there is a god, there is a hell.. ect.. ect.. depending on who raised you and what part of the world you grew up in. Individuals tend to carry the belief system of their environment through life unless they are inspired personally to investigate all the options available.
From my investigation, many theories are possible, but not absolute, because they have not been proven. Because nothing has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, I cannot personally choose to believe in any one thing. I do though respect the right of each individual to chose a belief system and very much enjoy a good debate on the many theories and options that are plausible out there, but until I can see absolute proof of a theory being absolutely correct with no doubts then I chose to live with an open mind until the time comes that something can be proven.
For me at this time, the only way to prove anything will come through scientific evaluation. It likely won't happen in my lifetime, but the answers are out there somewhere. Until then, I am quite comfortable accepting there is no absolute proof and will continue to live a life as good as I can, continuing with investigation openly until the answers are clear before me.