My opinon on it is that if you feel you are truely Christian and want to be should just own up that yes you do frequent here, and yes you do have some problems with the WTS. If you don't feel either then why not just lie your ass off? Why get yourself in more stress then you need?
staying "in Truth" for family--is it worth it?...hyporcrite needing help
by oompa 62 Replies latest watchtower bible
quietly leaving is dead on, except i do believe there many non apostates here.
lots still in here...oomopa
Yup - we've got stillajwelder, open mind etc.
eclipse that is what I was wondering if i could do, and you have been helpful lately to me.
but tula, the elders were not spying, they were given my screen name.
ouch......what a bag of crap we wear....oompa
Well, I promise you it was not me lol
Someone lurking must of found you, I suspect.
I still do not know who you are, but If I can help I will do all I can.
Perhaps you doctor could give you a letter saying you need time and space to sort out your emotions.
I,ve been asked that same battery of questions Dude! Maybe because there aren't a whole lot of JWs with Yellow Ferraris and diesel RVs who live on the Gulf in FL?
<br><br>Probably fewer still who just had a part in the DC in Mobile I would think!
<br><br>I suggest you do what I did; butch-up and accept that the elders are nothing more than frustrated school janitors who *finally* have their big chance to push people around by usurping God's name.
<br><br>Go ahead and deny everything; they are to be pitied rather than glorified. Obviously it was an enemy of yours posting here, possibly even someone in the same congregation who knows all about you! Root and root out that evil one from amongst ye! -
by the way my psych did say to seek support group, and even to get out of cult.
but hes a nutcase too.....oompa
I've been out way too long. When I read posts like this, I can now laugh...I would love to have someone find me...or contact me about being here.
Yea, that's right...I'm an adult,....childish at times...but guess what, It's my life and I'll do what I wanna do nanananabooboo
Sorry, I know that doesn't help you any...well except for the It's YOUR life part. Do what YOU wanna do.
Can you imagine explaining this to the neighbors or people you work with....they'd look at you like you'd lost your mind. Well, mine would anyway.
Good luck....I wish you nothing but happiness.
by the way my psych did say to seek support group, and even to get out of cult.
but hes a nutcase too.....oompa
perfect - offer to take your family go see him - they will leave you alone
Do you still believe that Jehovah is using the "Faithful Slave" of the Watchtower Society to dispense Bible truths?
If so, then stay with them.
If not, this is a good oppportunity to jump ship and let the JW's sink without you.