We all hear stories an experiences that happened to a "friend of a friend," and the witnesses are no exception. They even have their own urban legends. Here are my favorites, and please post yours as well.
- 1. Watchtower Theologists According to one of the old guys I used to pioneer with, there is a super-scary-secret organization of apostates called "Watchtower Theology." Their MO is using the Watchtower publications to convince Witnesses that they actually do teach the Trinity, hellfire, etc. etc.
- 2. The Demon at the Barbershop Don't remember the exact details but basically a barber is possessed by a demon, and when a Circuit Overseer walks in the Demon screams at him and tells him "Your God took our children in the flood, now we're going to take children." Obviously more "the DEMONS ARE AFTER TEH CHIIILDRUUUN!!" scare tactics.
- 3. The Ouija Board That Wouldn't Burn Usually told by people that were once "in the world." They played with a Ouija Board/bought something at a garage sale and started getting demon attacks. So they burned it (and it took a LONG time to burn) and heard a scream in the fire
- 4. The Night Visitor Many think this is a demon attack when it is actually sleep paralysis. They wake up and cannot move, and feel a large invisible weight on their chest.