I have heard the one about the two sisters and the angel!
Your favorite bits of JW folklore
by B_Deserter 44 Replies latest jw experiences
And my favorite JW bs story (the most recent one I've heard too!) comes from this dub kid I know. Says that he was at an assembly, and that a CO giving a talk said that there was a man who made a deal with the devil, and the devil would give him whatever he wanted: girls, money, etc.
One day, this guy sees some chick he likes, and asks the devil to get her for him. devil says he can't. guy asks why, and the devil says "because she serves a more powerful god," so the guy walks over to the girl, and asks her what her story is.
Lo and behold, she's a dub. The guy studies, gets baptized, says "no thanks" to the devil, and marries the girl. The CO says, "How do I know this? I know this because I was that man." Hahaha, I didn't know COs were allowed to light up the ganja.
Anyone who hears voices is probably schitzophrenic, it just so happened that the girl was a JW.
What if she was a satan worshipper? (not to be confused with satanist) lol.
Not so much JW folklore, but I remember something really bizarre my mother told me when I was a kid, and I'm certain it had something to do with her being such a devout JW. She told me that astronauts had tried to get to outer space, but when they did, they discovered a flaming wall, which prevented them from going any further. I think the point was that God would stop us from exploring space. I have absolutely no idea where she got this from, and how she could believe it as an adult. It was not told as a joke. Unfortunately, if I were to ask her about it now, she would probably say she don't remember saying anything like that. If more people have heard of it, maybe it is (or was) JW folklore after all. I think she must have gotten it from some JW source, perhaps she just misunderstood something she had read in a book or magazine.
i remember (late 60's early '70's) the questions about whether space travel did happen - also dinosaur bones were all fakes and hoaxes or placed there by demons. My parensts now do not remember saying these things
I remember most of these. There was a lot of speculation among the brothers about whether Jehovah would allow men into space. That all ended in 1969!!!
There is one story heard over and over as a JW, in various forms.
It involved a guy who had training with attack dogs in the military, and he was now with the JWs and going house to house. At one door the householder told the brothers to get the hell off his doorstep or he'd sic his dog on them. This ex-military guy tell the householder, "We're going to leave, but don't let that dog go. If you do, I'll kill it." Well, the householder lets the dog attack, and this ex-military JW using his training to strike and kill the dog.
I heard that several times. Like all the rest of these, I'm sure it was urban legend, but did anyone else ever hear it?
- also dinosaur bones were all fakes and hoaxes or placed there by demons.
Lol. Never heard that one. I was told Jehovah had made the dinosaurs to "salt the earth". I was thinking, "wouldn`t it have been easier to just make salt"?...didn`t say it out loud, though.
There was the one about the Procter and Gample trademark being demonized,
and also one that rumour that mcdonalds used worms in their burgers.
Although, these may not be dub rumours exclusively
I've heard the worm burgers from witnesses but it's just ridiculous. Beef is a far cheaper protein source than worms, it would be financial disaster for any fast food restaurant to use worms.
The sister who had been missing a lot of meetings. Her TV would come on by itself or change channels to Bewitched or I Dream of Genie type programs. She got her ass back to the KH pronto!
you know what gets me about all these b.s. stories about god "protecting" his faithful, is that no one ever questions why so many others were savagely killed, raped, or beaten. where was god during the holocaust? where was he during the malaysia ordeal? what about the thousands that die for refusing blood?
when such ones are killed, they are martyers that died for god's name. but, 2 goofy sisters in service need the help of 2 angels. remember, one angel can supposedly kill hundreds of thousands of people in one night. why 2 for someone in field service, but, none for all those in concentration camps suffering unimaginable abuse for years?