My version was "Knights in Satan's Service" for KISS.
Your favorite bits of JW folklore
by B_Deserter 44 Replies latest jw experiences
The one I remember best (although I don't remember the details, lol) is the one about two pioneer sisters (I think) who come to a house where a guy has just killed someone (I think) and he's about to kill them too, but then he stops. When later asked why he didn't kill them, he allegedly said: "There were two huge guys standing behind them" , in other words, he had seen two angels who guarded them.
I remember that one.
It was going around in the late 70's even at the Sunday public talks.
Heard the sister who didn't get killed because of an angel also.
Also heard the smurf story, but the version I heard had a Troll doll (those ugly dolls from the early/mid 90s), and a kid had it in his pocket at the KH, got up to the bathroom, the kid disappeared forever, and the troll walked out of the bathroom, and out of the KH.
There was a party and a woman brought a weird doll, and after a while, the woman was nowhere, and the doll turned into the woman, and ran out of the house.
Demons raped some chick. The guy that I heard that from was reading it from a printout, said that it was an article from the 'tower or awake, i forget, but i didn't confirm it, 'cause i never asked to look at the printout.
The Eagles were being interviewed on TV, and all of a sudden their voices change, and they say that their kids were the Nephilim, and they'll have revenge.
And my favorite JW bs story (the most recent one I've heard too!) comes from this dub kid I know. Says that he was at an assembly, and that a CO giving a talk said that there was a man who made a deal with the devil, and the devil would give him whatever he wanted: girls, money, etc.
One day, this guy sees some chick he likes, and asks the devil to get her for him. devil says he can't. guy asks why, and the devil says "because she serves a more powerful god," so the guy walks over to the girl, and asks her what her story is.
Lo and behold, she's a dub. The guy studies, gets baptized, says "no thanks" to the devil, and marries the girl. The CO says, "How do I know this? I know this because I was that man." Hahaha, I didn't know COs were allowed to light up the ganja.
After I had stopped going to meetings for a few months, a 'sister' rang me and told me that a District Overseer™ told her (so it must be true) that Oprah Winfrey (must be even truer) interviewed a spirit medium, and in the ad-break (what the?), he told her that the 'other side' was on a mission to "'get' the children of Jehovah's Witnesses." Woooooooo spooky.
LOL Arthur, I remember not being able to watch the smurfs for awhile. That didn't last long, my parents were never that strict or paranoid.
Ok Hortensia I bet I know you. There are only a handful of people I know in So Cal that ever heard about "crystal blue persuasion". They think it was written about the truth book. Yes I believed at the time because my bros and sis would never lie to me. Every other witness I would tell about it never heard it before.
Can you tell me which part of so cal you are from?
I love the smurf legend. I wasn't so gullible as to believe that one.
The two big angels behind the sisters going door to door made me feel 10 feet tall and bullet proof.
Now one I heard in 3rd grade was that one kid had a KISS record and it wouldn't burn so they tried to flush it ( why would you flush a record?) and as the water went down the bowl satan's face was swirling down the what a visual that gave me.
Hi Loosie, I sent you a pm. As for all these JW urban legends, they sound so pathetic now, but I remember that we believed all of them a long time ago. As JWs your ability to question and doubt is trained out of you, so you believe all that demonic crap.
Another one I knew of was that demonic objects HAVE to be burned. Fire is the only way to get a demon to leave something.
I remember this one. (be prepared, it is a tear jerker)
A group of brothers from (pick the country) refused to (pick the item). The guards said that if they did not do (the thing) they would all be shot. The guards instructed the brothers to dig a grave. The brothers, compliantly dug the graves. The guards then ordered our brothers to lay in their graves and prepare do die.
The brothers went to their graves. Just as the guards raised their guns to fire, out of nowhere a fighter plane came flying by and shot everone standing. Our brothers (of course) were saved.
Now if that does not prove that the holy spirit protects god's faithful servants, I don't know what additional proof you need.
I've heard that one