I think, old buddy, that the issue is that you like to stir the pot. If you are a "good" JW, you would run screaming from this site. So what are you doing here? Just stirring the pot.
B - I - NGO?
by MutualRespectPlease2 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Hi MR2, What you described to us in telling us the WT motivations for this was POLITICAL. They wanted connections and associations that would further their cause in the 'world'. A library card is one thing (that I don't buy, ok)but what you describe is really much worse-trying to work the system that they decry as demonic. Ends justifying the means. While still, if the rank and file JW joined the Y, they would be accused of mixing with the unclean and told that they must quit.
Did the fact that the WT immediately recinded their membership as an NGO bother you not at all? If it was just about religious freedom, do you think it was accomplished just because the Guardian Newspaper revealed their membership? If a JW runs for office to promote religious freedoms, is it ok to be a politician? How does that work for JWs? That was rhetorical-we know. It doesn't.
"But what is the motive of using a swimming pool compared with the motive of pursuing religious freedoms? Plus, is there really a comparison between the two?" I don't think their is a comparison between a person paying a membership fee to use recreational facilities and a person joining an organization to politically expedite their religious organization. Nope, I don't. I feel that the first is fine with any reasonable person, and only a tyrant would object to such an association. The second is totally hypocritical when the one joining is a religious organization that decries all things 'political' and who has said for nearly a century that sucking up to that organization was a sign of being part of babylon the great. FYI, the Catholic church is not in the UN. I believe the vatican is an observer nation in the UN, not a voting member.
It's quite simple: If they became an NGO to gain religious freedom then why did they lie and say they did it to obtain a library card?
If they did do it to obtainn a library card then they gave all who remained neutral and "without spot form the world" and lost their lives for it a slap in the face.
In either case, why keep it a secret from the brotherhood?
The UN/NGO issue shows ther hypocrisy and double standards of the organization. It's as simple as that.
If they can join the UN, what would happen to someone in the congr., let's say an elder, would it be ok for him to join the Republican or Democratic party
in this country? Even if he claims he has no intention of being involved or voting.
What would happen to him
hey mutual...yet ANOTHER point to ponder.....look at the 1980's watchtowers and comments about the UN.....compare it to todays watchtowers after they left......there is next to nothing about the UN being the wild beast....well at least until the in house watchtowers starting from next january.......welcome to the board....ninja
Dear MRP2.
To me it's clear that you don't really understand the issue here.
I don’t think what they did was wrong.
I read tons of stuff, not just two or three websites. I read the UN Charter, the requirements for an NGOThere's nothing wrong with the WT being affiliated with the UN. The UN does good work.
The fact that the WT wanted to work with the UN is a good thing.The fact that they were doing this is not the issue.
The issue is this:
Since the "beginning of time" the WT has always declared that the UN is the Scarlet Colored Wild Beast of Revelation.
They have shown in their magazines and books that any affiliation with this beast on the side of the brothers and sisters
would be a gross sin against Jehovah and would cause the person to be cast out of Jehovah's Org.Yet on the other hand while condemning anyone who affiliates themselves with this Beast the WT applied for NGO status with DPI.
This is hypocrisy on the highest level imaginable. It's like saying that for you it's not good to go to a prostitute, but for me it's ok.
It doesn't matter if it's a librarycard or whatever. The issue is not the reason why they affilliated, but the hypocrisy behind it.
You say that you are a Witness? The WT, GB or whatever "leaders" don't want the "brothers" on this forum.
Don't you think you're being hypocritical to be here?
Or are you on your way out? Are you gonna tell the "brothers"you are on this forum?
It's the example of saying..."Do as I say, not as I do" that is the issue here.
Take for example ....."smoking is a disfellowshipping offence". Yet, the W.T. had or does own stocks in Phillip Morris tobacco company. Should they own stocks in a cigarette company even if it were given to them from a will, or should they have sold them immediately to "keep the organization clean"?
Is this not hypocritical also? And we know there are many more hypocritical things that the W.T. does besides these two examples.
This is a private message I got from this poster yesterday
Has anyone else gotten a message from this poster, or am I the only lucky one?
Hi purplesofa Message I decided not to post this one in regular forum.
When I was a JW missionary in a third world country, we used to help the people in our territory all the time. We gave money to the poor kids every day so they could buy candy. I remember how the local brothers showed me, I didnt show them, how to help. They showed me how to bath one kid who was stuck out in his backyard who was severely disabled and we sprayed insect repellent on him. He loved the spray. I was in South America, my buddy is still in Africa, and Witnesses are known there for helping the community, he gives rides on his truck, when he eats at a roadside restaurant he never eats alone, he always treats whoever is around.
Do you do anything for people like that? -
They showed me how to bath one kid who was stuck out in his backyard who was severely disabled and we sprayed insect repellent on him. He loved the spray.
Omg, ha ha!
I messed up my earlier registration, so now I am MRP2.
Yes you did and no, you're not!
It is against Board policy to have multiple accounts and your earlier account of MRP is still active, although you do not have access to starting new threads (I wonder why???!!) but you are free to post replies in a non-inflammatory way.
MRP2 is deleted.
Your other multiple account (never used) is also deleted.