If it was all OK, then why did they immediately terminate the association the minute it was exposed?
B - I - NGO?
by MutualRespectPlease2 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I gave a lot of funeral talks at local chapels and cemeteries. People would call the missionary home because other churches charged money. We were free. I would always find out a lot about the person first so I could include that in my talk. I would limit the funny stories about the person because in that country the culture really doesnt want any humor at a funeral. I would read four scriptures and would use their Bible, but only after talking about the deceased's qualities. I learned from older missionaries how to do it.
I am getting the feeling I am not welcome here. Several have told me in no uncertain terms. I guess a troll is someone who doesn't identify himself, but I said at the outset I am a Witness. As far as my real name, I thought none of us are identifying ourselves. Do I have to agree with everyone in order to be accepted here?
I can kind of see now why the Society is saying be careful about coming on here. I only got three posts that have interesting reasoning in them. The rest are mostly personal slams. -
Here is my opinion--They didnt have to join the UN as an NGO, they chose it probably because it was the easy route to go, but definitely not the right one, if you believe the way they do.
Should the WT Society also join the Vatican if it were to make it easier on the "preaching"work in Italy?
What about those Arab Countries? Should the WT Society join up with Hamas and Al Quaeda if it were to make it easier to gain a foothold there?
Bottom line is they compromised their beliefs in order to kowtow to the worldly authorities to get a foothold in their "preaching" work.
Jehovah's Witnesses have been executed for not saluting the flag in certain countries, yet they turned around and joined the Wild Beast just to get an easy acess into certain countries, that is why it is hypocritical.
Bottom line is that you as a Jehovah's Witness will accept any reasonong they use, yet you and the WT Society will not accept certain individuals reasoning for joining the YMCA, political parties, planned parenthood, right to life, greenpeace, or any other worldly organization that doesnt fit into the cookie cutter beliefs. -
I think you are very welcome here. I just think you did nt like the replies you got. You will not get your ears tickled here. I saw one person be questionable toward you. The rest are using sound reasoning.
I am getting the feeling I am not welcome here.
Do I have to agree with everyone in order to be accepted here?
All are welcome here. It's just that you start with bold statements of defense of the WTS on issues that
the organization didn't reveal to the rank and file members. If they did reveal this to them, most JW's
would not feel as you do, but might defend them. You knew your bold statements would provoke
strong comments.You are free to disagree. While you are welcome, your comments might be argued against.
Don't let that stop you.If the WTS is right in their position, are they also right that members shouldn't go to chat rooms and
engage in debate. I say they are wrong on your issue and wrong on this one, also. -
darth frosty
MRP2 said
"I can kind of see now why the Society is saying be careful about coming on here. I only got three posts that have interesting reasoning in them. The rest are mostly personal slams.
Did you read the post with an open mind or a critical eye? Most of the replies you got people gave there opinons on the questions you posed.
You asked "Give me some names of those in the WTS that are getting rich people, or cut the easy point-the-finger criticism.'
I gave you examples of how perks and overseas zone visits can be exploited. You said you have lived at bethel and been on the cheapo flights. Where you with one of the GB or other heavies? Or just one of the R&F? Did you see inside of the Bill Cosby like brownstones, where the real heavies stay? Those brownstones are worth a million a pop, the society has a combined block full of them. Don't worry they wont point them out to you when you drive by because 1. most bethelites dont know about them, and 2.it will get to many questions from the R&F. If your wondering who stays in them, well thats where the doctors and lawyers stay, y'no the people who went to school, got higher degrees and bettered themselves.
The reason people are calling you a troll, is because we have seen to many like yourself, who only come to ex-witness sites to be re-inforced of the societies warning against us. You come proclaim 'I don’t think what they did was wrong.' regarding the UN scandal and than when we air our gripes you say 'I can kind of see now why the Society is saying be careful about coming on here.' You saw that before you ever logged on.
I dont mean to go on a rant here but another thing You said
'Why do I not think the Society was wrong? What were they trying to accomplish? Running for political office? Trying to become members of the U.N.? I get the feeling you are all looking for any reason to blast the WTS. I think if you step back and look at the whole picture, you can see that the WTS is trying to gain religious freedoms and rights in Europe. There are laws and organizations and meetings and judgments involved. Are any of you experts on those laws? How would YOU go about getting preaching “legally established”? It’s easy to jump on the bandwagon and say WTS is hypocritical but how would YOU do it in Europe?'
Them joining the UN had nothing to do with any effort to legally establishing the 'good news' in other countries. The only reason they joined is because some lazy jokers in writing did not want to go through the hassel of accrediting themselves every time they needed to use the UN library for research, so they found the back door of getting the NGO card and being able to walk right in.
I will now go back to my usual calm self. -
Why did the Watchtower Society even consider using satan's organization?
Why didn't they "wait on Jehovah" and His "timetable" before they "ran ahead" of Him?
mrp2, if what they were doing was a-okay, why not tell the rank and file? if it wasn't wrong, full disclosure BEFOREHAND should not be a big deal.
they hid it. they knew they were going against what they make their faithful followers go by.
what about the other religions they blast for being affiliated with the U.N.?. what are their motivations? the wts never gives that side of the story. they just point, and go, ooooooohhhhhhhhhh god's gonna get ya.
The last time you started a post, the same thing happend. As soon as you didn't hear what you wanted you got offended and left.
We think for ourselves and just because you say something doesn't mean we will agree. You are gonna get answers to your questions, whether or not you like what you are hearing, well.......
We (JWD'rs) have been there, we were all (or most) a part of this cult, there is nothing you can tell us that will make us change our minds. We lived it, and most of us will not go back willingly!
Mutual - here is another thought to ponder. You and I both know the WTBTS is all about appearances.
The reason I say this is because when I was an active member, I was a total good girl. I pioneered, served where the need was greater ... I wanted to travel several hours away to visit friends and a friend of mine who was an MS wanted to go with. When it came out that we were going to be in a car alone for several hours, we were both spoken to about the "appearance" of two single people being alone in a vehicle. The MS was told that he would lose his position if he went we w/ me w/o another person. I ended up going alone.
Also, when I was pioneering I was working at a grocery store that sold cigarettes and lottery tix. Not that I sold them, but I was pulled in the back and told to quit my job because of the way it would look. It would "bring reproach on Jehovah's name" if anyone thought that I was selling any of those things.
Think of how often the elders or the WTBTS or even just common JW folk talk about how something looks or how it could bring reproach on Jah's name. But then the WTBTS who talks about the UN being the beast and how evil it all is, they draw pictures of it and show how it will be destroyed, but the WTBTS join. If it were not such a secret, then why not let the common JW folk know about it. So even if it is just for a library card, to use their own words ... think about how much reproach it has brought to Jehovah and his organization that it appears that the the WTBTS is living a double life, speaking one way yet acting in another way. Remember Jehovah will hold those in the position of authority accountable when they stumble, but one, of his sheep.