B - I - NGO?

by MutualRespectPlease2 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>But what is the motive of using a swimming pool compared with the motive of pursuing religious freedoms?

    You and I can speak about motives because we're driven by reason, and we apply reasonable standards to ourselves and our friends. We don't pretend the world is black and white/good and bad/us and them.

    The Watchtower doesn't see things that way. They don't allow a person's motive to be a factor.

    "Did you join the YMCA, Brother?"
    "Yes, but only to use the swimm--"
    "That's all we needed to know. Why you joined isn't an issue."

    An interesting question: What was their motive in not telling the rank-and-file Witnesses about it? Most know nothing about it, and the few that do think it's an apostate lie. Even when shown documentation from the UN's own website (which still exists), they continue to believe it's a lie. What possible motive could the Watchtower have for hiding this from their followers, particularly if it was in the name of 'pursuing religious freedom'?


  • OnTheWayOut

    FACT: if you are paid for your employment by the military, you cannot become a JW, or if you are
    one already, you will be disfellowshipped. I am not talking about being IN the military, just being an
    employee of the military. They told teachers on base to quit. They told contractors to get out of
    working for the military as plumbers, pest-controllers, etc. Vote or run for office- DF'ed. Be a policeman
    with a gun- DF'ed. Tobacco industry- same story. Don't tarnish the organization.

    These are their rules. They indicate their standards.

    They blast other religions for what they do and say, but they do and say whatever they feel is okay and
    then hide it from their members. How disgusting that members think Christendom's mingling with politicians
    is wrong while their own WTS is mingling with Satan's tool. That's almost as bad as printing information
    about a religion protecting pedophiles, but hiding it when your religion does the same. (Oh wait, they do that.)

  • stillajwexelder

    The GB members may not be enriching themselves but they do enjoy the power trip of having

    Not to mention that also any GB member could right this minute fly anywhere in the world all expenses paid and stop in a nice hotel and give a talk to few local congregations and be welcomed with open arms. Not too bad eh?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    It all boils down to this...they ask and require things from the rank and file that they themselves would not do. While telling us that we must remain without spot from the world, They join the UN to get easy access to the UN library. While telling us to focus on the preaching activity and not on our careers, they are holding on to over a billion dollars in real estate around the globe.

    Now you may be thinking well that property is needed for the Kingdom halls, bethels, and to further the preaching work, but you need to disect how these properties are used. The heavies and GB at bethel go out on their zone and branch visit's. Wanna know when they go? during the cold winter months in NY. Thats when you can find bro. jaraz down in the carribean bethel. Ever wonder why conventions are held in certain parts of the world during the winter months?

    Its a very subtle abuse of the societies assets but abuse none the less. What will happen if you showed up on the steps of the bethel in brazil?

  • purplesofa


    you sent me a pm

    I would like to know why you come to this site, if you are so happy with the organization?

    Why, claiming the work you have done for the society (as stated in your pm)

    why it is necessary to come here. Why would you go against the very council the society is asking of you?

    I ask because of the respect issue you seem to want.

    Are you planning to make and exit from the society?

    I would like to add, in public, that I help others without concern for turning in time or to broadcast it.

    I do what needs to be done and expect nothing in return.

    it is done unconditionally, I am glad to read your post and the help you have given others. And I don't find it insulting that you question what I do for others.

    Helping others is really no big deal, its instinctive really,


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I realize that they were doing exactly as you say. The problen ensues when they refuse to let their followers get involved in politics or organizations to do some admirable things for their communities. They cannot get involved in making their towns or schools better, so why the double standard?

    When they give their followers the freedoms that they choose for themselves, then things would change. I guess they would have to quit calling the UN the wild beast of Revelation too?

    The real problem is not that they tried to get established in other countries. It is rather that they lied and sneaked around. I think that is called hypocrisy.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    People are saying that the WTS is corrupt because of they way they are going about trying to achieve religious freedoms. I think we are not looking at the big picture here.

    Achieve whose religious freedoms? The people in those countries are and were free to choose their religion. They didn't need the WTS cult. The WTS needed to fight so that they would be allowed to import their MLM pyramid magazine peddling scheme to new territory. The only thing stopping those countries from allowing the WTS was common sense. Would you let a bunch of magazine peddling fanatics who make a living out of dissing goverments into your country? WTF. The WTS only chance was to ride the coat tails of the UN. How about you looking at the big picture.

  • sf

    I read tons of stuff, not just two or three websites. I read the UN Charter, the requirements for an NGO, the Society’s responses both here and in England, some of the past forums here

    It is TRANSparent that you did NOT read this vital thread, which can be found on this forum:

    UNITED NATIONS , NGO's and WTBS [click me]

    It's lengthy because it contains ALL you NEED to gain ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE on this ENTIRE issue.

    You will not find what you find in this thread ANYWHERE on the net...but here.

    Until you read this entire thread and STUDY it, quite frankly, you don't know jacK.

    Happy trails.


  • dvw

    The society had to sign on as agreeing with the UN's goals and actively promote these goals in order to become an NGO. I suggest that you have a T-shirt printed up with the words, " I SUPPORT THE UNITED NATIONS". Then show up at the kingdom hall or just stop by some elder's house. I wonder if they will go to bat for you like you are doing for them. probably.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    "I went into a chapel recently to give a funeral discourse for a man who was not a Witness, his wife was, but their family wanted me to give the talk"

    Was it a funeral discourse or a eulogy? Or was it a recruiting rally for the Borg?

    And you come here as a JW in good standing? I did that in 1994 and a JC was formed . .

    Just another apologist . . . What is your agenda, what ~are~ you doing here? Sorry, not a lot of patience for trolls.

    piss off

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