JW Gets 37 years in prison after violating probation

by kwr 85 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mrsjones5

    josie ... stick to what you understand ... the fluff topics ... Rose :)

    Rosie my dear, stick around...you'll learn not to take others or yourself too seriously.

    Josie ~ still lmao

  • SnakesInTheTower

    is a rosalee a troll, a JW apologist, or just whacked?

    Rosalee.... if you are still a JW and still agree with them, then why the hell are you here?

    You obviously still do believe based on your comments. YOU are violating the Watchtower directive regarding anti-JW (aka "apostate") web sites By their rules, YOU are asociating with apostates and/or disfellowshipped people. Based on that, according to the Watchtower rules, YOU should be disfellowshipped. THEN you would fit in here.

    This board is to help people trying to leave a cult, which some of us, self included, are still caught in.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "preparing for a tongue lashing from Rosalee and doesn't care" Sheep Class)

    PS...as to the topic....good, the drunk should have gone to jail in the first place for taking, NOT 1 life, but 4!

  • mrsjones5

    is a rosalee a troll, a JW apologist, or just whacked?

    All of the above, that's what makes her so funny. Desperation does have it's amusing aspects.


  • Rosalee


    I'm not interested in giving you a tongue lashing. I responded to an inept posting by (ironically) Happy Dad.

    Instead of jumping down my throat, did you ever consider reading my post and actually giving it some real thought?

    I'm not unreasonable to state that HD is WRONG. He IS wrong.

    Growing up as a JW does not predispose one to alcoholism.

    This young man's father does not deserve to go to jail because of his son's errors.

    If you can refute my statements .. go ahead.

    Don't just come on here blathering about inane things that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.


  • mrsjones5

    Oh great now I have a song running through my head...

    *desperate but not serious*

    going to youtube now

  • iveseenthelight

    MrsJones - you make me laugh.

    Roselee, you really should be using your time in personal study, instead of coming on this site to preach at us. Happydad did not say that all JW's will eventually become alcoholics, but merely that being in that religion did not help. A religion where you are not really allowed to be express your true feelings, and depression is met with a bible and more study instead of the real clinical help needed. Why don't you go discuss this with your congregation elders...oh wait, you can't cos you ain't even suposed to be on here. You know what they say "if you can't stand the heat, get out the kitchen" If what is said here offends you so much why are you not spending you time chatting with like minded brainwashed idividuals.

  • BluesBrother

    37 Years, ! Blimey ! around here a cold blooded murderer can be out in 10 years , only a few (terrorists and the worst ), get 'life' and that does not always mean what it says.

    I am not advocating softer sentences - I guess we would not have the places to keep 'em all,

    It seems that drink was this lad's ruin:-

    But he did. Debra Torres, clutching a picture of her daughter, Nilsa Rodriguez, looked directly at Blackledge and told him that although he had ruined her life, she could not cast blame upon him.
    "You need to get help," she said. "Alcohol is going to lead you into deeper and deeper and deeper trouble."Blackledge's face reddened and tears fell. He nodded almost imperceptibly

    How much more trouble can he get into?

    As for the J W aspect, it is true that there are a lot more drunks outside the Borg than in it..No doubt his disfellowshipping contributed to his reasons to drink again, but the responsibility rests with him. Thank God he did not cause another accident

  • hillary_step

    Rosalee is normally as dense as the Mariana Trench, but imo she has got it right here.


  • Rosalee

    imho ... hs ... oh forget it. I was going to give you a put down like I did before but likely your ego couldn't take it at your age ... Rose

  • WTWizard

    This is a prime example of a stagnant life. People tend to drink too much or use drugs when they need to escape the stagnation that life offers. And, it is blatantly obvious that this person was stagnant. Even though he was disfellowshipped, that was likely for drunkenness. Why would he get drunk in the first place? Most likely, because the religion offers nothing but a treadmill routine of dull work, service, and meetings that are so boring that the mind is not used. And the constant beatings that it was never enough add to the stress.

    Needless to say, being a Witless is stagnating. It might seem like a change of pace for about 2 months. After that, it grows stale. And, for a person who grew up in it, they never learned to play and have fun. The years were all the same, unbroken by holidays. And they never had those high points like making friends outside the cookie-cutter congregations and field trips. In all likelihood, this person did poorly in school unnecessarily because of emotional problems caused by the religion or because of being tired after the meetings and then having to take tests like that.

    Crap education. Crap job. A ministry that is boring and tedious. No entertainment. All this is the perfect recipe for stagnation. And the bottle is often the only escape from it all. Bottled up feelings also come with the religion because freedom of speech usually results in getting judged apostate. This is the perfect recipe for disaster. Is it any wonder that the hounders are so frequently drunk?

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