Hi Doug. You're a brilliant presenter. Do you set up these presentations professionally?
Just a note of content for you though, only Luke mentions the destruction of Jerusalem and does not mention Daniel at all. The "great tribulation" is a one-time event that "never happened before nor will again" and is supposed to occur just before the second coming during the end-times. Thus the fall of Jerusalem is excluded from that one-time event. The importance of CHRONOLOGY comes into play here, though, because contrary to what you claim in your presentation, the Jews and Jesus' followers know from Daniel that the messiah would arrive 2520 years after the fall of Jerusalem. So when they asked about what his "parousia" would be like, they were not asking about the date of the second coming, they were only wondering what would be going on in the world "leading up to" his second coming and return to the earth in human form.
The "end" they were concerned about was the "end" of the gentile times, the current "system of things" under which the gentiles were in control. Once the Jews regained control again and they saw the rebudding of their nation, represented by the leaves of the fig tree growing tender again, then they knew that his appearance was near. The "end" occurred in 1947. That's when the Jews had their own country again. Thus the second coming could not have occurred prior to 1947. That leaves out 1914, a false teaching by JWs. The "great tribulation" spoken of at Matthew and Mark was in reference to the Holocaust. That's why women with small children were at a disadvantage if they wanted to flee to the mountains, where some during WWII indeed fled and hid. Hiding in the wilderness was no place for a woman and small children. So she had to either abandon her children to death in the gas chambers and save herself only or die along with her children. A very hard choice. This "great tribulation" is not Armageddon, however, the "great tribulation" referred to in Revelation which comes just before the millennium. Obviously, fleeding to the mountains, with or without children would not have any significance at Armageddon. The WTS is completely lost and puzzled about all this though, and they completely ignore that it is not until "immediately after the great tribulation" that the sign of the son of man appears.