From your helpful comments, I can see there are areas I need to expand and explain more clearly. I will try to respond to your questions. If I am still not clear, please tell me.
My intention is to consider Jesus’ answer as if the reader was one of the disciples sitting at his feet on the Mount of Olives. What did their questions mean to them, what did his answer mean to them? If a person wants to derive a secondary meaning, then when this primary meaning has been determined, any secondary application must directly relate.
The presentation is intended for anyone. A complex presentation hides the critical issues and provides opportunities for digression. I certainly like to stimulate discussion. Each person must live in accordance with their own beliefs, and if we disagree, we can still remain the firmest of friends. Other people’s views help sharpen my own, and help remove the fat from my thinking.
It should be enlightening to compare Mark 13 (and other parts of Mark) as sources for Matthew 24.
Key issues I touched on include:
- Jesus was talking about the temple that they were looking at.
- The disciples expected that the temple’s destruction would bring about Jesus’ parousia, his glorious arrival as king.
- Jesus warned his followers that people who pointed to wars, earthquakes, and such were deceivers, and must not be heeded.
- There is only one gospel, and it was preached to the whole world at the time.
Jesus was asked about the Temple and he answered them about the Temple. To the disciples, the destruction of the Temple meant the end of Judaism, the end of the Jewish “Age”.
They did not know that Jesus was going away – look at their last question just before his ascension – Acts 1: 6-7 (So when they met together, they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.”)
The disciples thought that the end of the Jewish Age would finally result in Jesus being openly declared and recognized as the redeeming King that the Jews had longed for. Matthew uses the word “parousia” which was a word that speaks of the grand entry of a leading dignitary, such as a Governor or a King. Their parousias required much preparation of the town they were visiting, even building new roads, and the minting of a special coin. It was a grand event. This is how the disciples envisaged the destruction of the Temple and the ensuing parousia. It was not a prophecy, it was a question in the mouth of the disciples in Matthew’s account.
Another key issue is Jesus’ admonition to “beware of deceivers”, hence the title of the presentation. To me, Jesus’ told his disciples to beware of people who would be spreading stories about wars, earthquakes and such, as if they were the sign which alerted followers to the destruction of Jerusalem. Rather, said Jesus, watch out for the Roman armies when they encamp about the city.
Jesus said that the destruction would happen within their generation, but they did not know this meant it would take place in another 40 years.
If someone wants to make a secondary application, then the parallels require us to still beware of deceivers who make use of wars, earthquakes, and so on. These are not to be believed, even if they do say they are “Christ”, the Anointed.
I use PowerPoint 97 to prepare these presentations. Since it’s an old version without password protection, I convert them to PDF files, to prevent people changing and hence misrepresenting me. I’m a retired soldering trainer, who started as a technical trainer (telecommunications, electronics) in 1966. The Japanese love for pictures helped me develop my love for that format.
I think that the differences in details between Mark, Matthew and Luke are most interesting and require further thought.
So as you can see, I focus on these verses in their application to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. I thought the pictures would indicate this.
Nevertheless, I want to digress into the claims regarding 1947 and the Zionist State of Israel. Since my ancestry is Jewish, I am very aware of the activities during the late 1930s and early 1940s. My mother’s parents were gassed at Chelmno on 10 May 1942 in the back of a “special” truck. My father’s parents were shot dead on 26 May 1942 near Minsk, along with their 26-year old daughter and her 2-year old son.
My parents fled to England, where my father was quickly imprisoned for a while by the stupid English, after having been imprisoned by the Nazis in Dachau.
My father’s sister and her family made Aliyah in 1939. Her eldest son was shot dead while fighting in the War of Independence. There is a memorial to him on the Israeli government’s web site. Many of her family’s descendants still live in Israel, including a noted artist in Jerusalem. I have a cousin who has lived for decades in a Kibbutz near Galilee. I have another cousin in France who is a deeply committed Zionist.
Not one of these Jews has ever raised the notion of the “Son of Man”, of Jesus Christ, of salvation though his sacrifice. Zionism is a political movement, supported by misdirected Christians who read Scripture that was intended to be applied 2000 years ago, not later. There is no other gospel, which I deliberately included in my presentation.