Frankly, it doesn't matter what his name is in English. This is a controversy for the sake of controversy. It has it's traditions from the time of Rutherford. His thing was publicity. So to get attention for his little group, we all know about the religion is a snare and a racket, the picketing, the sound cars blaring out his speeches. Jehovah's Witnesses continue to get a lot of attention for insisting that gods name is neither Jesus or Yahweh. Why would they conform and thus lose their publicity? (remember, there is no such thing as bad publicity, unless it involves pedophilia)
Modern day JW's have inherited a whole barrel full of tradition. One of them is the name of the hebrew/OT god. The scholarship and history of the name Jehovah and the resulting attention that are given today to a certain degree are a response and a result of Jehovah's Witnesses and the attention they give it.
Common sense would argue that we at best have an imperfect view of the ancient past. Scholars acknowledge their limitations. We will never know how YHWH and other names in Hebrew are pronounced, because we weren't their. Nor is it necesarry that we do know. Everything today is a translation into English or whatever tounge you speak. Yet thieists argue as if it matters. Yet the deity involved, Jehovah/YHWH wasn't powerful enough to preserve his own name in a non controversial way?
Theiests, with JW's at the top of the list, continue to argue this point so that they continue to be relavant. If they conform, they will get lost more in the shuffle of religions.
I am a pretty easy going guy. I don't know what my name would be in say, Chinese. But when I learned how they pronounce it, I would go with the flow. What is the point?