What kind of positive proof would you need....

by journey-on 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    to accept the existence of God? (I'm not talking about "a big man in the sky" kind of deity.) What would it take to convince you that mankind was intentionally created by a powerful and intelligent creative force? What kind of proof would you personally require?

  • BlackPearl

    See my post on prayer in your other thread. Ther is no doubt that Jehovah has revealed Himself to me through the power of prayer.


  • theMartian

    "Proof" means something entirely different here! Proof is everywhere in Nature- but few lump "God" with the concept of religion- and thus embrace evolution! Religion has been the very WORST influence in human history! Unfortunately it poisions most peoples minds against believing in God- REGARDLESS of evidence and proof!

  • watson

    Direct and clear communication with his inteligent creation. No tests, riddles, mysteries, etc. I know to some, that may lack humility on my part, but that is how I have felt for some time.

  • Odrade

    reproducible results: multiple instances of direct communication, witnessed by multiple people. Creation of new organisms where it can be observed and documented, in multiple instances. Nothing less.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Some pretty funky weed for sure!

  • journey-on
    Direct and clear communication with his inteligent creation.

    Watson...this is what I'm asking for: what KIND of direct and clear communication??

  • sweetstuff

    The fact that mercury ions keep time better than any clock created by man, is proof enough for me of intelligent design.

  • watson

    Well...THAT is a good question!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    The fact that mercury ions keep time better than any clock created by man, is proof enough for me of intelligent design.

    Here's a little question for you. If mercury ions are the best time keepers available, what are they measured with? ;-) How do we know they're good?

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