WT monitoring JWD? Absolutely!

by fedorE 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Is the WTS having a red scare moment? This is what was happening when Communism was so badly feared.

  • James Free
    James Free

    Hmm, well firstly, about spying on users of other sites with spyware - I don't believe a word of it. And an IP address does not identify the user, just their general location.

    As for knowing the IP of who visits their own site - hence the Vatican info - this is perfectly normal and most major sites employ exactly the same demographic statistical analysis.

    The third part, that of monitoring all Internet traffic using the WT network - again, normal for most large organisations and businesses. That's why you can read of sackings/warnings being given to staff from time to time for downloading Porn. Even internal email is monitored. It happens everywhere - so we need to avoid getting too paranoid, not them!

  • Gordy
    With respect to Gordy, I don't believe a word of it. I think he has been had.


    This subject was brought up about a year ago. Thats when I first posted the information that started this thread, by fedor(?)

    The person who told me knew my JW wife and her mother and father many years ago. He was in one of the local congregations.

    Can't say to much about him as he is technically still a JW, but fading. He was involved in installing computer system in London Bethel. I get the occasional email off him, as he is still in contact with old JW friends. Some of who I also know.

    What the WT is doing is nothing new. Even the firm I work for, a very large oil company, monitors all computer traffic as do most firms these days. So what the WT is doing is basically quite simple. They may not be able to pinpoint a person by their IP address. Just get an idea the area they are in. Even I can do that. But who knows what systems can be used these days. If when I use my mobile phone it can be pinpointed within yards, then who is to say that computers can't be.



  • BizzyBee

    They probably use something like this:


    Individuals and businesses have been using "press clipping" services for nearly 100 years. Now these services are updated to include online publications and media as well as print. Why is it so hard to believe that the WTS monitors their public image? Or am I missing something?

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I find it hard to believe they care much about most of the posters, maybe the ones who leak secret info from them or those that are still in and holding a position such as an elder.

    I don't think they would give me a second glance.

  • antonio98711

    When a van is parked near your house, if there's a guy with a laptop in it, he can be seeing anything on your computer screen. It's not just their being noisy about internet addresses or spying on what gets accessed at Bethel, but in your own home. That's the big deal.

  • Seeker4

    under_believer and James Free:

    Thanks, and just as I thought. Overblown conspiracy theories always assume a level of secrecy, competency and technical accuracy and flawless operation that are simply impossible in the real world.

    And antonio, if you believe what you wrote here: "Who would they use for it today? From up high, types like Manuel Jesus Cano of New York and previously Mexico and Michael Porter who were both pedophiles and it is doubtful that was unknown to the Service Department run by Ted Jaracz in NYC or Gillies in Europe. So a good guess is pedophiles whom they have dirt on do some of it, as well as some of the nuttier than usual elders, their wives, third generationalists and so on, again, the nuttier types. That's on the local level."

    Well, you live in a different JW world than I ever inhabited! You sound like "a nuttier than usual elder!" Sorry, but from my experience, what you wrote is pure nonsense. You don't need a $1million spy system to get the goods on a nutty elder or his wife, just go out in service with them, or have them over to lunch and keep their wine glassed filled. Much cheaper and far more entertaining!


  • fedorE

    Just a thought- The WT would see spying as a scripturally sound. Moses sent out spies. Joshua sent out spies. Other instances of spying in the Bible point to a theocratic warfare being waged in 1st century congregations all according to the WT's view. So it absolutely stands to reason that they would have Jehovahs backing in parting the red sea of apostates so they could go through into the new order having waged justifiable warfare. Just logical.

  • fedorE

    Just a thought- The WT would see spying as a scripturally sound. Moses sent out spies. Joshua sent out spies. Other instances of spying in the Bible point to a theocratic warfare being waged in 1st century congregations all according to the WT's view. So it absolutely stands to reason that they would have Jehovahs backing in parting the red sea of apostates so they could go through into the new order having waged justifiable warfare. Just logical.

  • dobbie

    Personally couldn't care less if they come here or not, just shows how very bored or worried they are - or both lol! They know its more fun over here!

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