WT monitoring JWD? Absolutely!

by fedorE 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • R6Laser

    Wow Antonio I think you have seen too many Mission Impossible movies. jk. Some of these techniques are used by corporations to monitor their traffic and users, this is nothing new. But most of what has been posted is just not believable at all. All that stuff about them hiring ex-CIA and using Israeli software just sounds goofy and paranoid. Nowadays you wouldn't need any of that fancy stuff, you can pick any software program readily available at any computer store and most tech guys can install it with no problems. Also as has been pointed out already, what could they possibly gain from this. Me thinks some of you are more paranoid than them.

  • antonio98711

    Feodor is correct: "someone, say parked in a car outside your home with a laptop, can pick up your Wi-Fi signal and listen in on your computer and see what you are looking at on the internet and your emails. Also with right software they can switch on your mobile phone and use it as a microphone to listen in to any conversation that may be having."

    Would a paranoid cult infested with Pedophiles like Cano in N.Y. and Porter in the U.K. do that? Would a cult having to settle with sixteen sex abuse victims at a whack do it? Of details of how they do it to others, and how the authorities or Whoever may do it to them, then go to http://www.google.com where you search by using key words wi-fi signal laptop spying

    On a forum called http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=357719 the question is asked if it's illegal to steal a neighbor's wifi signal and the answer given is "The unauthorised accessing, modifying or making use of resources on a computer system or network is illegal according to the Computer Misuse Act. Presumably, wi-fi hijacking is covered under that."

    So it's done although illegally so in the U.S. The view of fanatics is "it's being done for Jehovah" and the view of Pedophiles is, "I better do as told or I'll be outed and toast." Pedophiles will do anything from raping babies to peeping through the bedroom blinds. Finally, as to where they get the money, if you donate money to a kingdom hall, just guess. One year I learned an older sister had donated something like $10,000 and asked that it go for paving the parking lot. It wasn't till a year or two later that it was finally paved and only a part of it at that. That hall's elders didn't bother doing in-person shepherding calls and really didn't need to, in-person.

  • R6Laser

    About Wifi it is true that anyone can connect on someone else's Wifi. But that is only if the person is stupid enough to leave it open. I can go with my laptop anywhere with a Wifi hotspot and try to connect, but if its secured I won't be able to use it. Usually its just a simple setting that needs to be turned on. But if you're stupid enough to leave the connection open than that is your fault, learn how to setup things properly before buying it, or even better learn to read the manual. Besides to do this you don't need any ex-CIA techs or Israeli software, all you need is half a brain. But this is totally different than what companies usually do to monitor their networks. Every major company monitors their internal internet usage, e-mail and any files sent and received electronically, they have the right to do so and its a very simple thing to do. Firewalls monitor company internet usage plus it gets logged, e-mail servers can also setup different filters to log e-mails.

  • KW13

    I remember this all being brought up ages ago, whether its true or not i don't know but i know it doesn't suprise me the Watchtower is this paranoid and wants to cause people trouble but they are so stupid.

  • R6Laser

    Well, monitoring their own website usage does not make a company paranoid, every company does it. Its the other way around, some here are too paranoid and think that their posts in a simple forum that almost nobody knows even exists will cause this big of an ordeal.


    If they have an IP address they can trace which private or public entity its leased or assigned to. They can then come up with a domain name (*@user.com, org, etc.) thats about all they can find out since its against the law for AOL, Yahoo, or local cable and phone internet providers to give out your personal info to unauthorized persons including your name.

    I think the only people that need to worry are people who have actually emailed any of the branches or Patterson, Brooklyn with that domain name since then they could simply match it up. This is still circumstantial evidence though since for example there are millions who use Yahoo email.

  • worf

    To the watchtower: If you are monitoring this or any other sites, it shows that you and your fu!@ed up jehovah are nothing but a bunch of cowards and paranoid fools.




    footnote: To theodore jaracz: Your name is written in small letters above because you are a small man.

  • nvrgnbk

    to you, worf.

  • Jourles
    Also with right software they can switch on your mobile phone and use it as a microphone to listen in to any conversation that may be having."

    Uh huh. I'd like for someone to point me to this "software" which allows a person to do this. The idea is possible, but the means to do it is impossible for anyone in the general public. There is no magic "software" program which allows someone to eavesdrop on a specific cellular conversation. I can do it(for testing purposes only - it is illegal otherwise), but there is no software program used. And for those who are wondering how I can do this and didn't already know, I work for a cell company in a central office.

    A couple of years ago, I demonstrated on the board how it was possible to link a specific poster to their IP address on this board. It had nothing to do with the scrambled IP hash below the poster's name. It was a very simple method, one that many people use here everyday. My method took it a step further. By embedding a picture, or in my case, a 1 pixel transparent .gif file that was being served from my home web server, I could look at the web requests and match them to the time stamps on the thread and who posted them. I could ascertain the poster's IP address by looking at the web referral address. Just like I'm writing this reply, my url above ends with "reply.ashx." The way the board used to be, if my little .gif file was just a few posts back from the reply, it would reappear below the reply which meant that another web referral request was sent to my home web server. Once the post was submitted, I could check the web log on my home server and match up the timestamp between jwd and the log timestamp. Viola! Poster's IP address revealed(Simon has since fixed this issue). Once you have an IP address, you can determine the geographic location of where the internet request is coming from. I word it this way simply because not every IP address geographic location actually reveals where a poster is located. Some people could be using a proxy or they could be on their company's network which backhauls all traffic to one location - even possibly across the country(this is the way mine would look right now). But if you wanted to know the general area of where someone was(let's say you got their IP address and it was a comcast IP), you could easily narrow down what city they live in/nearby. If the poster revealed enough info about themselves(married, divorced, kids, type of car, etc), someone(bethel?) could take that info and start sleuthing in the general area and find who it was. Not to say it hasn't happened in the past, but it can happen elsewhere on other boards. So remember to keep your life private on the internet if it is important.

  • bert

    It seems everything the WT does weighs it down. They seem to go from one screw up to another. Constantly shooting themselves in the foot or painting themselves into a corner. Relax,all we have to do is wait.

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