I have been told that anything other than a solid white dress shirt (and a solid white doesn't allow texture patterns either) would not be acceptable. The majority of the "brothers" were wearing white dress shirts, and maybe 4 or 5 had different colors. However, they were singling me out because they wanted me to be the example (and yet they had the nerve to do whatever it took to keep me celibate).
They also mentioned that my shoes were scuffed at times (it takes time to polish them, which is "time that is for the misery". Not badly scuffed, but maybe a mark or two that was visible in daylight. My suit coat button had to be done up while doing a part in the Theocraptic Misery "School(??)". They wanted my collar button done at all times, no matter how hot it was or how muggy. And they told me that, if I was wearing just the shirt because it was too hot for the suit coat (which was locally allowed at the time), that I had to wear a T-shirt under it.
And they made a fuss about dry cleaning. They wanted my suits dry cleaned at the slightest hint of dirt. In summer, that was the sweat from being out in the heat of the day in service. In winter, it was salt. They "suggested" a schedule of one dry cleaning per 8-12 hours of wearing the suit, which was a burden because it costs the same for one dry cleaning as it did for one CD. And they were picky as to where I went--if I went where it was cheaper, they were not satisfied with the job they did. Of course, either way I could smell a hint of smoke on them (tobacco smoke) when they came out of the cleaners. So much for that deal.