ROTFLMAO @ ninja!!!!!!
So wrong but so funny.
by R.F. 61 Replies latest jw experiences
ROTFLMAO @ ninja!!!!!!
So wrong but so funny.
I was held up at gun point too. Man, the end of that barrel looked real big!! My life literally flashed before my eyes. In about 30 seconds, I thought about all my family members, how my getting shot to death would effect them, etc. Very emotional thing.
Having a rifle pointed at me from a car.
Almost dropping a 175lb. barbell on my throat.
Almost shooting someone in a cocaine induced rage (the fear came afterwards).
No one can top HS, though.
LearningToFly i went throught that as well, one minute i was happily pregnant, then the next had a team come rushing in saying 'this babys got to come out now!' it was all so quick, i'd never been in hospital for anything before, didn't know if he'd make it as he was premmie, hubby was kicked out of operating theatre i just remember as they were gong to knock me out i was making these really stupid noises cos i was so scared!
The scariest time was when he had just turned one, me and hubs were doing our dinner and he's just had his, he was fixated on the ceiling and i took no notice at first but then he wouldn't respond to me, started to go blue around the mouth and floppy. Yanked him out of chair held him upside down and whacked his back. No longer blue but it was like he was locked away inside himself. Jumped in the car to casualty, longest journey of my life. They had the whole team working on him, had to ventilate him as he was hardly breathing, was transferred to a kids hospital at bristol, went to bed next morning at 5am, sure he was going to die, was in intensive care. They phoned me at 6am and said he was awake, as soon as he saw us he gave me the most wonderful smile and though his hands were tied down tried to clap them. That was the BEST moment in my life, he'd been expected to die that night. Home after three days of tests but no one knows what it was.Most likely some sort of fit where he went into a daydream but can't explain the breathing problems.
So many of you held at gunpoint!
What are some of the reasons?
Probably escaping from the car of a (drunken) stranger who talked me into riding with him who I was certain had VERY BAD designs on me. I hid out at a nearby school for almost an hour at 9 o'clock at night until I was certain he was gone. You'd think I learned from that experience but I didn't.
There are many. One that comes to mind right away is, I was living in a ghetto project in the east end of Ottawa on my way to the store, and three guys high on cocaine with weapons, assaulted me and knocked me out cold. I was living with a Syrian Belly dancer from Damascus at the time, in the project. This was just after I had left the witnesses. I went out later that night and they knocked me out a second time. This time, on the road and were kicking me in the head with steal toe boots.
How could you know this if you were knocked out, you say? Because the kids of the women I was with were witnessing it, and my head felt like a busted watermelon the next day. They had baseball bats lined with tiger paw. If you even touch someone with that you will rip their flesh off.
The next day, they came to the house I was living at to play baseball with my skull. I was absolutely sure I was dead. I called my brother who has worked as a bouncer and a repo man to come and save my ass. He showed up with a shot gun and a crow bar, and baby..... My brother is a god dam killer. Can he ever f***in fight. But I sent him home cuz to tell you the truth I thought we were both gonna be dead if he went for it. The projects have many alleyways and it was 10 o'clock at night. Very dark and dangerous. Not just that but when you fight someone on coke you can rip their god dam arms off ,and not only will they not feel it , they will still be in attack mode.
He might have got killed or done some killing himself and it would have been friggin ugly. I was in absolute fear for my life,and hid till the freak squad disappeared. I still want to get these effin cocksuckers back. I know there names and what they look like but I don't know where they are today.
All I can say after reading this thread is I'm glad I don't live in North America....What's with all the guns??? Did anybody watch Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine"????
" I still want to get these effin cocksuckers back..."
LOL. struck me funny that you softened the harsh "F" word but not the next word...
So many of you held at gunpoint!
What are some of the reasons?
I was robbed at gunpoint in 1975, but for some reason it didn't scare me too badly. I was working at a teeny tiny bakery and a young thug needed Xmas money I suppose. I was so hyped up with the Paradise hope, that I was thinking of what an experience to tell at the meeting! I was so foolish then!