Man gets charged for lemonade he made at a resturant!

by Dragonlady76 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ok, I'm on board with Nvr and Para on this one.

    It's cheapskate vs. cheapskate. Except the business owner is making a bad business decision by publicly being one.


    Would it make any difference to you guys if the customer was a Regular Pioneer?

    *Open Mind exits. Stage Left. Quickly*

  • reneeisorym
    If the owner felt duped, he should have changed the menu to offer free ice water, but charge a fee for the lemons.

    Also, the customer should have just ordered a lemonade.

    Both of them are cheapskates, but the restaurant owner had more to lose by making an issue out of it.

    My thoughts exactly. The owner apparently has poor business sense. Another thing I noticed was how he thought he was being discriminated against because he was a senior citizen. And I guess if the guy was of a minoirty he would blame it on that. If he was a woman he (she) would think the owner was ripping off women.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    What difference does it make COST WISE that he ate the toppings on the side instead of on his burger?

    Of course it is included in the price, otherwise they would of CHARGED him EXTRA for the lettuce, the tomatoe and the pickle!

    I didn't make myself clear. At the time, there was a bar that had all the burger toppings set out for you to put what you wanted on your burger. As I said, he would make an entire salad from the burger toppings. Saddly, they no longer keep the toppings out for precisely that reason.

  • Dragonlady76


    Would it make any difference to you guys if the customer was a Regular Pioneer?

    *Open Mind exits. Stage Left. Quickly*

    That depends

  • arker

    He should of put it on his visa then went home and called his bank to dispute the charge!

    Maybe he should of back charged the resturaunt for all the mispellings on the menu. Our local Chinese resturaunts always mispell half the menu. You have to decode it. that takes time, and time = money

  • Junction-Guy

    Dragonlady, for the most part you are correct. I have eaten in many (100+) chinese restaurants, and I have worked for 2.

    This one place I have been going to for the past 2 years is starting to go downhill, and I may have to take my business elsewhere.

    Oh here's on for you. Amanda and I went to this chinese restaurant a few years back, and they had crab legs on the buffet. Most places that have crablegs on a buffet include it in their price, if they dont then they usually bring it out to your table on a side plate, well Amanda ate the crab legs, and when we got the bill it was substantially higher, I asked the waitress why and she told us the crablegs. I was kinda mad at first, but I didnt argue too much.

    she said the price was on the buffet window. I went to take a look and sure enough it was on a piece of constrcution paper but it was written in small print, plus off all the lights on the buffet, this one little section had a blown bulb, so you could barely read it, pretty sneaky huh?

    but get this, they had written in big letters "YUM YUM"

    Ok will I be allowed one minor cuss word here?

    Well here goes, I told Amanda that I ought to go up to that signs with a pen and write "YUM YUM, tastes like shit"

    I didnt do it, but Amanda and I both just about died laughing at the thought of doing that.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Losing the business of annoying cheap skates is not a bad thing. Heck, if I were close to this place I would try them out--would be nice to eat in an atmosphere without pricks whining about their bill. I would gladly pay more for quality service--some places know what their service is worth and charge accordingly. ;-)

  • Junction-Guy

    As for the pioneer angle, I would probably empathize even more considering they probably have low paying jobs and can barely afford to eat anyway. I can sympathize with any JW on that one, or any poor person for that matter.

  • Junction-Guy

    The chinese woman was a prick in this case. This guy had been doing it all along, she could have made one exception in this case, and then warn him that from here on he would be charged.

  • erandir


    I think I understand your point. There are greedy people who always look for ways to get something for nothing...and this usually ends up hurting other people.

    But there are also cheapies who take advantage of a minor loophole once in a a cute, endearing way. Like my wife, for example.

    And I'm sure DragonLady feels the same about her husband.

    Making lemonade from a lemon wedge already given too you and a couple of packs of sugar/sweetner is not in the same league as the guy coming in and eating an extra side dish from the condiment section just because it's free. (This reminds me of a Mr. Bean sketch or maybe it was some other comedian.) I think it boils down to the attitude or the intention of the patron.

    Anyway, I've tried some of my wife's attempted "lemonade," and I have to say it does not deserve to be called such. It tastes exactly like sweetened water with a squeeze of lemon. Hardly the same as the drink they sell at the restaurant with the high fructose corn syrup and the artificial flavoring and the high price.

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