oooohhhhhhhhh bfd................good burn. that was awesome.
Man gets charged for lemonade he made at a resturant!
by Dragonlady76 86 Replies latest jw friends
horrible life
My husband, daughter and I, always order water with lemon at a restaurant. We drink sodas at home all of the time. With a meal, we like water and lemon. I have thought about the money saved, and the resulting decline of the waitresses % of tip, and make up for it.
But one thing nobody has mentioned. If I ordered lemonade, it would come to me, loaded with sugar, and probably made a week ahead of time, in one of those big dispensers, made with condensed lemon juice, which I find offensive. (It tastes like the smell of a skunk to me) I only want a hint of lemon.
The sweet and low is a condiment, just like the salt and pepper. If they want to charge me for the water and lemon, then do it. I don't mind, I will pay it. I realize that there is a cost involved. Just as fast food restaurants will give you a little cup for free water, if I ask for a big cup, they charge me .25c to .50c. I don't mind. Just don't charge me for sweet and low. It is on the table, and if I use it, even to put on my hamburger, I shouldn't have to pay for it.
ONE lemon wedge hardly makes lemonade out of a glass that size. And I don't get charged for an "Arnold Palmer" when I squeeze the lemon into my iced tea and add the Splenda. The lemon is given out as part of the drink, and the sweeteners are there to be used by the customers. I have seen some restaurants only put the sweetener out if someone orders a drink that might need it, which would probably have been a more prudent and less confrontational way for this particular restaurant to handle this issue if it is such a huge loss of revenue for them to have this man use 2 packets of splenda. The way most tap water tastes, sweet & low is probably a great improvement!
Personally, I don't order lemonade at a restaurant because it usually tastes funky and is loaded with too much sugar . I can see why the man would feel that water with a squeeze of lemon and a couple of sweet & low would taste better than what is passed off as lemonade in many restaurants. But it seems he has way to much time on his hands to be making such a big fuss out of this.
The owner of the restaurant is just being an ass.
The man was under no obligation to pay for something he did not order.
Well thought out Six!!!!
What get's me is when you use a restroom and there is an attendant in there and usually a big sign that says "Tips Appreciated". Why should I have to tip someone if I have to shake the piss off my dick myself?
OMG! My hubby calls tap water, a lemon wedge and splenda :poor mans lemonade"