New tactic in halls with sisters

by darth frosty 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I say catch them young and raise them right.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I have gotten this when I come to assemblies off and on. I get the hard stares and even some women approach me! I dress quasi worldly to the damn things to (mod suites)! Of course as OnTheWayOut pointed out when you have world experience dating, their tricks don't work on you! Ha, but damn it is tempting just to go back to get laid.

  • Es

    Its funny isnt it, I mean if it was me I would be looking at older men myself, just a little more mature in a lot of area's heheh


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    It's slim pickings in dub land

    It certainly is slim pickings for sisters! More men than women are baptized into the Borg every year.

    I even knew of a sister who committed suicide since she thought she would never have a husband and family. She was desperate to get married, and was soooo upset that other sisters were turning brothers offers down while she was never approached even once. When she began exhibiting symptoms of menopause, she couldn't take it anymore. She went out in FS that morning, then came home and poisoned herself.

  • Dragonlady76
    It's slim pickings in dub land

    It certainly is slim pickings for sisters! More men than women are baptized into the Borg every year.

    I even knew of a sister who committed suicide since she thought she would never have a husband and family. She was desperate to get married, and was soooo upset that other sisters were turning brothers offers down while she was never approached even once. When she began exhibiting symptoms of menopause, she couldn't take it anymore. She went out in FS that morning, then came home and poisoned herself.

    That's so sad

  • IP_SEC

    so you think that 18-21 & 18-23 is a big age dif? mine was 21-34 her favor.

    Blondie, I'da been raised right but I dont like being told what to do

  • Hermano


    Are there more gals in ND with a rack like yours?

    Thanks for saying it Frank, cause I think it every time I see her avatar.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Actually I dont think it is that big of an age difference. The way they were explaining it, these girls put there bid in for these guy 2 years ago. So while these guys were 16 they started dating them.

    The people we were visiting were upset because there grandson who just turned sixteen is going out with a 21 year old sister.

  • Gayle

    I don't think it is so new either. In the '60's, girls in their late teens or early 20's found either the young males had left the organization altogether and the ones that didn't went to Bethel or went to jail because of the draft. Some of us would joke during the song then "Myriads and Myriads of brothers" & giggle & whisper 'where? where?" :)

  • BrentR

    The very few young sisters in my old cong. were snatched up by the hot shots with great jobs and fancy cars from other congs. It was all guys there. When an assembly was comming up the only reason we would look forward to going was to cruise chicks from other congs. One of my friends ended up marrying a sister that was 43 and he was only 21. She had three pups from a previous marriage so he became an insta-daddy. And yes it did not last long but thy never divorced. He lives in WA and she lives in AZ and they are both completely miserable. Great enviroment for the kids.

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