New tactic in halls with sisters

by darth frosty 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC

    When I was growing up in SoCal, there were always more sisters the brothers, it seamed like 2 to 1, could have been 1.5 to 1. They have to catch them before someone else does.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Once a person is past the age of majority, how important is age difference? Should it matter if there are 10, 20, 30 or more years difference in ages? Does being "soul mates" rely on a particular age?

  • mentalclearness

    As far as I can remember in all the congregations there has always been more women than men...since women aren't encouraged to do anything else other than become pioneers or get married some start getting kind of desperate when they begin to get seems the average age for marriage among JW's in the States in 21? 22? if you've reached 25 and still single it's like you're over the hill....basically the only requirement they are looking for is that he be a witness...age, intelligence, common interests, maturity take a back burner to that. It's no wonder you see so many unhappy marriages...

  • Dragonlady76


    Are there more gals in ND with a rack like yours? If so i would suspect a line would be forming from GB!!

    Maybe but not as nice as mine

  • Witchettygrub

    'Slim pickings' yeah.

    As long as a bloke is breathing, he'll do.


  • mrsjones5

    Hell sisters aren't the only ones doin it...look at Demi Moore and Ashton Kucher

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