Hi Xena: Excellent post about a serious issue. Essentially, the Watch Tower religion is a Prison organization, that holds its members and ex-members captive. There are several layers:
1. Members who never get the truth, and don't know to leave.
2. Members who see through the organization, but can't leave lest they incur shunning.
3. Ex-Members who have family still associating, but who are not free to enjoy living.
4. Ex-Members who spend the rest of their lives trying to figure out what happened, and why they let themselves lose everything.
In my own case, I was able to get my whole family out, my son-in-law, and a few others. So, the pain of loss is at least confined to the loss of a few friends inside the organization. While a JW, I managed to live enough of life that I don't have as many regrets as I could have had, but there are a few things I could of and woujld have done much differently.
Now, as I see it: to continue to be held prisoner is a matter of choice, once a person has realized that the organization is false. The choice is often hard because it means losing family who will shun us if we do things like celebrating Christmas.
It took me over two years before I could have a Christmas Tree in my house, next door to a JW. But, I had my family out, so it was easier, but still hard. Had my family been in, I am not sure what choice I would have made.
I have now been out 9 1/2 years (formally DA'd 6 year ago) and I can say that I have no concerns remaining. It is truly over with the JW world. I have felt this sense of full freedom since I was formally DA'd. So, it does not take all that long - perhaps 3 years.
Still a Prisoner? Some strongly feel that remaining on ex-JW forums and constantly hammering at this is still a form of being a prisoner. I don't agree. It is somewhat addictive at times - especially when a hot topic like the UN comes along, or the NBC Dateline story that will be airing in the not too distant future - but I do it because I have several things going on:
1. I love helping new ex-JWs find some bearings in their life. Not to make the choices I made necessaruly, but to help them discover the full enjoyment of searching out their own hearts and finding their own way and making their own truly free choices.
2. I hope to find some friends who have left the organization so that I can resume our relationship. I have run into some ex-JW relatives of friends, so I am closer.
3. Build and maintain some friends I have made since leaving the organizaton.
4. Help in whatever ways I can to expose the Watchtower. The Pedophile - Datleine issue is one area I have made contribution. I also posted my Justice Serice of various Judicial Committee cases so that many ex-JWs could understand what an incompetant and foolish system the Watch Tower has - and in doing that, help expose "it" for what it is. That "it" is not the truth, but the "lie."
So, this all does get better as time moves on, and we take steps and make changes in our lives. And we discover how much heavy junk baggage we can shed as we get farther and farther away from the organizations.
The Toughest Choice: The ex-JWs who still have family that associate with them - but who are still afraid to live life to the full are the ones in the most difficult situation. They are usually not DF'd, and family can still technically associate and usually do. But any mistep can lead to shunning.
Sometimes this just means making tough choices to either live a restrictive life so to avoid losing love and support of family, and at times, making the tough choice to move on, lose famiy, but have full freedom.
This is such an important topic, that I am going to make a separate post with some ideas on how to achieve some good results, or at least how and when to move on. Stay tuned. Thanks agin for bringing up such a good issue. - Amazing