Here is one question that has been bothering me for quite some time. Do you think a revolution, so to speak, within the Organization is possible? In other words, can any conspiracy against the Watchtower succeed? A moment of profound crisis within the Organization could open the door for the exit of many individuals who are currently being held hostages of the shunning policy and are in fear of losing their families. Bear in mind that most political tyrannies have been destroyed by effect of an internal movement. The same could be true of a religious tyranny. I have discussed the issue with at least two other elders and several ministerial servants and they have deep doubts about it. This is all I can say about them. I have worked out several possible scenarios in which this could happen; that I will present in future posts. In the interim, I would like to hear from you.
Conspiracy against the Watchtower
by Hiddenwindow 44 Replies latest jw friends
The wt orig was built on lies and deception. part of the foundation on which it was built is a pyramid. can anything clean come out of something unclean? no way jose! you dont take a termite infested building and paint the walls and eveer hope to have anything do you?
james t
defender of the faith
lord protector of the realm
or am i
lord protector of the faith
defender of the realm i keep fortetting
Interesting point.
It would have to be something that really shook the whole organisation.
Maybe a denunciation of certain teachings by senior WT members, maybe even those of the Governing Body. In such a way that no one could turn round and say they were "apostates".
Thus make the rank and file realise what they were really part of and how they had been deceived.
Lady Lee
ya mean like when Rutherford connived to take over the WTS after Russell's death?
If the man was manipulative enough and conned enough people to his side - yup I can see it happeneing.
Now how to you spell Jaracz?
"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within."
If these shunners don't know that blood is thicker than water.....then I vote....hell NO!
You could get a Gorbachov / Yeltson thing going in the Borg. One Governing Body
member or one lawyer or one accountant in the right place could start to get the
ball rolling. I have read of the writers getting stuff out there without GB really
checking it.I don't think it will really happen, as the people up there have learned to protect
the organization, but I certainly could be wrong. Ray Franz abandoned the GB,
probably seeing change as nearly impossible.You certainly covered it right. There's no room for repairing the Borganization, but
opening the door for the exit of many people would be a great idea. Instead of a
key person deliberately doing this, I would think a scandal could do it. -
It would have to be something that really shook the whole organisation.
Believe me if this organization is not shook up with all the changes and flip flops in the last 18 years nothing will...
Hidden Window- Like has been mentioned , a large scandal could do it. However I think the scandal would have to be in major newspapers for it to have an effect on witnesses leaving the cult. But, it would have to involve a scandal with the guilty parties being on the governing body, like a couple of them brought up on charges of child molestation , perhaps. Then everybody might know why the database pedophile list of names wasn't released. Or, members of the governing body might get caught in a financial scandal , or their legal people, attorneys caught in some financial abuse of their members, made public by major news media. I think that is about the only way. Of course I'm just giving you hypothetical situations here. But, who knows ? Maybe not , might be going on. We will just have to wait and see.
I can assure you one thing though. I'm personally doing everything in my power to make people aware of the watchtowers wrongness in areas. Gotta do what we can , every little bit helps
Then again some religious organizations just stumble along for a few decades or centuries and slllloooooowwwwwllllllyyyy die a nice lonnnnnggggg death. Either way, the world that's supposed to end keeps right on turnin'....