Conspiracy against the Watchtower

by Hiddenwindow 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    It seems that most religions break off into branches. Christians from Jews, Lutherans from Catholics, etc., etc. I ran across a group in Seattle on the net that still follows the old C.T. Russell teachings.

    Scandal could drive people away. Another high-ranking official like Franz was could do it.

    Problem is, the JWs (at least when I was one) remain so anonymous in a way. There were GB groupies who knew the names of all the GB members. To me and most of the people I knew, they were just some anonymous group. Didn't know their names and didn't feel like I needed to. I think people will follow a revolution out the door if there is a spokesman that you can line up behind. I just don't see anybody but the pres. with any sort of name-recognition clout among them.

    Ray Franz stood out when he left. The small article about him in Time was circulated and it made him a celebrity in a way. When I found out he had a book, I found a way to find one. Many others have left because of his book too.

    There's the possibility that another high-ranking official will defect. I don't think they could cause a splinter group. They'd more likely pull people away like Franz did. But then again, I'm the outsider now. I think a JW who sees the JWs aren't the "true religion" wants to turn to something else. It's what's engrained in them. If not this, then what? Franz didn't really tell anybody what to go believe or what religion to join now. If he had, I think there would have been a splinter. Somebody who wanted to start a religion probably could do what Franz did, then tell them what to believe now.

    Problem still is who. Last I heard, they were grafting in new, younger GB members. The old 1935 ones aren't going to defect now (if any are still around) and the new ones (in my opinion) would be second-class GB members and not be as highly respected. Could they generate a following? And how?

    The web can reach a lot of people. Maybe this would be a way for an ex-official to reach people and build a following.

  • Hiddenwindow


    That was an excellent analysis.

  • metatron

    As with most dictatorships, the Watchtower's secrets are compartmentalized and protected by a

    veneer of cheerleading deceptions. Thus, you still have people who have no idea that they are having

    long term problems with donations that don't keep pace with expenses. They believe the 'spin' instead.

    I do think it is still possible for another Ray Franz to emerge, who could bring secrets with him

    concerning Watchtower bribery, violation of currency transaction laws, fraud, suborning of perjury,

    and other outrages. On the other hand, if they're smart, they take care of the folks in Legal

    and Accounting who know where the 'bodies are buried'.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've seen alot about Jaracz. What was it he has done? I don't know the story.

  • mcsemike

    About Jaracz: I don't know that much about him but I've met him. He thinks he is the top GB member from his actions. He is arrogant and snotty on some of the SL videos or when TV people have attempted to question him at large assemblies. And many people who post indicate that the junior members of the GB kiss up to him as if he has some special position on the body. (Actually, he could be compared to parts of a body, but I'll be nice.)

  • Farkel

    The answer to your question is simple:

    You don't try to reform it. You don't try to negotiate. You don't beg. You don't try to wrestle with pigs. The WTS is full of pigs who LOVE to wrestle until you no longer wish to do it with them.

    You vote with your feet. You leave and don't look back. When enough people do that their income dries up, and then they will beg you to return.

    Don't do it. After all, don't wrestle with pigs. They love to wrestle with you (they will always win if you play their game) and they pick your wallets, too. Worse, they destroy your life.


  • jwfacts

    In line with Farkel, why bother to reform it, just leave. Spend time trying to educate people in general so that they do not fall for this cult or any other. If each person that leaves makes the effort to teach those around them before they leave how to think and see through rhetorical fallacy the momentum of leavers will increase.

    Many JWs seem to becoming dissillusioned with the Watchtower Society, but still want to hold on to it due to belief in the doctrines. The doctrines are wrong. JW's just believe a bastardized version of Adventism, which is just a bastardized version of Protestantism, which is just a bastardized version of Catholicism, which is a bastardization of what Jesus spoke. Why attempt to uphold any of these institutions. People need to learn to stand on their own two feet rather than need to submit themselves to human rulers.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Conspiracy against the Watchtower? It is called Justice! NOT a conspiracy.

    There have been people at work for years and the WTB&TS is starting to crumble. We prefer to call it a subtle approach to change.


  • metaspy

    I think the Galactic Empire led by Darth Vader would have to take them down.
    other than that, I think they will just keep doing the same thing as long as they have the money.

  • worf

    To jwfacts,

    "People need to learn to stand on their own two feet rather than submit themselves to human rulers".

    Right on point. Wide scope accounting shows that to be the main problem on this planet.

    Thank you jwfacts for stating that.


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