Looks interesting
Discovery Channel Show about History of Noah on Right Now
by erynw 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
darth frosty
I just turned to it...thanx.
crap, missanna is watching a movie. can you tell me what it's called so i can look for it.
crap, missanna is watching a movie. can you tell me what it's called so i can look for it.
I missed the title, but it should be listed on Discovery Channel's website. This is really looking to be a great show for debunking the global flood.
darth frosty
They just said "we know how much water is in the polar ice caps, atmosphere and rocks. If we put all of that together we still dont have enough water to flood the continents."
here's the link to get a reminder for the next showing. if anyone's interested. i need to sse that. i am actually debating that with a friend of mine.
They just said "we know how much water is in the polar ice caps, atmosphere and rocks. If we put all of that together we still dont have enough water to flood the continents."
And if the water came from underground, the earth would be quick sand. You couldn't walk on it.
but, but, but.................all things are possible with god.
Noah's Ark: The True Story
Search for the truth behind the story of Noah and his ark. Find out how Noah could have built such a structure and whether or not a great flood took place on the earth. The search for remains of the ark continues today.Playing again on September 15th, 7:00 pm and September 23, 1:00 pm
but, but, but.................all things are possible with god.
Yes Virginia, there is a santa claus. Now drink your kool-aid and be quiet.