The beginning of the story above ....
Ok so now for an update. My mom left my dad in May so here we are in September and she informed me that she is going back officially to my dad today. My dad is a hardshell former Elder JW. (He's not an elder because she left him and something to do with porn -- eeewwwwwwww this is my dad we are talking about!!!) My mom has been talking to me and even visiting but apparently that is all about to change again.
She told me that she felt like she had to make a choice between my dad and me and she basically chose my dad. She said SHE would feel better now because she knows I'm happy, but not to call her anymore because Dad won't allow it. She wants to e-mail me and keep up with me but not visit or talk on the phone.
I am so tired of this mess. My mom comes into my life and then out .. in and out ... I can't take this. I think I have about decided that I must have her all or not at all. She is going to have to choose to either be in my life or not. I can't just have her email often enough for me to get upset and cry.
I think it will be worse when I have kids. She's not going to come in and out on my children. They will never know her if she can't be 100% grandmother. I asked her about that and she said that it hasn't happened yet...
Keep us all in your prayers if you pray.
Thanks for all of the support you guys give to me. I can't explain how much it means.