the333 is not even a Jehovahs Witness. A loyal Jehovahs Witness would not be here.
by the333 70 Replies latest jw friends
respond once, the333 is counting his time writing and reading the replies.
respond to this thread twice, then it's a return visit.
the333, that was very persuasive and kind hearted, thanks for the positive message and the reminder that i'm glad i'm in the truth.*
*of course i'm not referring to that religion that rhymes with Prehovah Mitnesses as "the truth". -
333 the freemasons favorite number is 3, so three 3's repetition for emphasis, and 3 three's are nine, another glorious number for the masons, are you related to Russell by any chance.
To be ignorant is not bliss.
The only difference between you and bomb-strapped-on Muslim don't have a bomb......yet. But in your heart, you would if you could.
33 and a 3rd. Is that a take as to your being only half as evil? You know, the numbers game?
Does your Gawd know that you play in this ballpark?
Careful where you stand in judgement.
He pisses off very easily.
And.....if you're so sure of yourself, and un-afraid of hiding behind anything, why don't you post your real name and contact info....or are you afraid of being caught on an apostate website? That's what I figured, one post, and he/she is gone. Doesn't even have the balls to make post number 2.
Welcome to the forum the333 ~ I think if you read through some of the Posts, you'll find many Loving, Caring People. Just a Caution though, don't tell anyone in the Congregation you visited. You could get in big trouble.
The333 wrote: "those who aren't in the truth i feel much pity for you. All of you are filled with much hatred and anger that all you can do is blast out of your stupid mouths horrible things about the one true religion. I feel sorry for you that you will not have ever lasting life."
I shouldn't have got pissed on my response to the individual. This could be anything-just some one having fun (if that's what fun is). As a person just learning about faith(for about 6 years), I think I was supposed to be reminded about what faith is about. If I am happy where I am, It should have reflected in my response. It did not. However, I live and learn. All of you here have taught me about tolerance, a group of total strangers. That's pretty good.
So if he's just a player, I think I will let this one go.
And just for the info, to you 333, if you are upset, take another look at John3:16. No need to purchase your way in. Just be wary of wolves in sheeps clothing. Thanks to everyone who pm's this week. I learned a lot!
Hey 'the333', it's no fun if you don't respond.
Is that the best you can do?