by JEMIMAH 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Here is some further info on IBSA I posted a while back: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=5725&site=3#67078

    Ignore the statement about IBSA closing down, it is an error on my part.

    JEMIMAH: Please feel free to e-mail me if there is anything I can do to help in digging and uncovering information.


  • nelly136

    . http://jpm-organisation.ifrance.com/jpm-organisation/water.htm

    ok so its in french, but how many names is the watchtower org using?

    Photos : UN PHOTO 156663/John Isaac articles tirés du Reveillez vous 22 Juin 2001 de The Kingtom Hall Trust, The Ridgeway, London NW7 1RN United Kingdom © Watch Tower Bible and ociety of Pennsylvania. Département de l'information (DPI) © Nations Unies 2001


  • Amazing

    Hi Jemimah: I worked with a significant person in the background a while back and help draft opposition letters to the Charity Comm in the UK. We raised concerns about the Society trying to be registered as a charity. I did not send the letters, as they were sent by the other person. But I have copies.

    Anyway, I doubt the Society has any membership in the WCC. They may have had contacts from time to time. But, I do investigative work, so if you need some help, email me at [email protected] Although I did not make the intiial discovery, I was able to complete the work to prove that the Watch Tower Society is a 50% owner in a stock that produces weapons and equipment for the US military. So, sometimes these links we find do prove to turn into something.

    I have some significant contacts that would get me into both the National and World Council of Churches. Let me know if you need help. - Amazing

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott


    Anyone getting anywhere on this? My searches all came up empty...


  • Pureheart

    Hello Jemimah

    This is off the subject of the thread here, but I have been asking this question for months and no one has been able to answer it to my understanding satisfaction.
    What exactly happened at the WTS in NY to cause Brother Henchel not to continue on as President? What is he doing now? And what exactly is this so-called 3 co-orperations?
    If anyone else have information on this subject, please share.


  • messenger

    Am I getting warm?

    World Council of Churches Office of Communication
    Press Update
    150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
    E-mail: [email protected]

    7 September 2001
    Statement by the World Council of Churches delegation at the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Durban, South Africa

    cf. WCC Press Update, Up-01-30, of 5 September 2001
    "The sin of racism has been a central concern for the ecumenical movement since the beginning of the last century, and at the heart of the life of the World Council of Churches (WCC) since 1948. Out of this commitment, the WCC offered strong support to the UN Conference from its early planning stages onwards and itself contributed to the process by convening a number of regional ecumenical consultations. In August 2000, the WCC submitted a detailed submission to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which was subsequently revised after the regional meetings. The final submission was delivered to the Durban Conference.

    The NGO Forum was perhaps the largest civil society gathering devoted to racism that has ever assembled and certainly the most representative of those victimized by racism and racial discrimination. It provided the victims of racism with a place to speak of their experience and their pain and to make proposals for change. The WCC delegation celebrates that such a forum was held, because it falls within the WCC's long-cherished tradition of giving space, and supporting victims to speak publicly.

    The WCC delegation considered the process adopted by the NGO Forum to be vitally important, worthy of affirmation and respect, and recognized that the NGO Forum document contains the aspirations and recommendations of many communities of marginalized peoples.

    Many ideas and recommendations from the NGO Forum were incorporated into the document. The debate on that text was long and, at times, complex because of the huge numbers of people involved. The methodology used was to ask specific caucuses within the Forum to react, provide amendments and then vote. Members of the WCC delegation were part of the Ecumenical and other caucuses and did not vote as the WCC itself.

    The focus of the NGO Forum and the World Conference was profoundly affected by current world affairs. The Durban meetings convened at a time when the situation in the Middle East was in the forefront of people's minds, and the issues this highlighted quickly gained prominence in the NGO Forum. The WCC delegation was greatly helped by the sensitive explanations and support of its Palestinian members.

    During the NGO Forum, in keeping with WCC policy, the WCC delegation supported the right of self-determination for Palestinians, the right of return and the establishment of a Palestinian state. It also affirmed the right of the State of Israel to exist, and condemned anti-Semitism. There are some statements in the NGO Forum document which are outside the WCC's policy framework, and which the WCC cannot support, such as: equating Zionism with racism, describing Israel as an apartheid state, and the call for a general boycott of Israeli goods.

    This does not detract from the WCC's support for the document as a whole.

    The WCC delegation believes that to focus only on some sections of the NGO Forum document is disrespectful to all other sections, which cover a vast number of issues significant to the victims of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. Those wide concerns are represented within the membership of the WCC delegation and cannot be ignored.

    Durban, 7 September 2001"

    The WCC submission to the WCAR is available on both the WCAR and WCC websites

    Photos of the Conference are available on the WCC website

  • messenger

    World Council of Churches Office of Communication
    Press Update
    150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
    E-mail: [email protected]

    1 June 2001
    WCC delegation critical of slow progress and NGO shut-out from preparations for UN World Conference Against Racism

    cf. WCC Press Update, Up-01-16, of 31 May 2001
    cf. WCC Press Update, Up-01-14, of 30 May 2001
    cf. WCC Press Update, Up-01-13, of 18 May 2001
    cf. WCC Press Feature, Feat-01-04, of 18 April 2001

    "I come from a country where our daily bread is racism. My impression of the countries here is that either they do not want the conference to take place or, if it does, they want it to ridicule those suffering under racism, because it will come to nothing," Chabo Pilusa said today. Pilusa, from South Africa, is a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC) delegation to the preparatory committee (prepcom) for the United Nations (UN) World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance to be held in Durban, South Africa, in September.
    "After two weeks of laborious debate the prepcom will go into an unscheduled third week and yet another meeting in July. Government delegates became entrenched in debates about how to proceed with their work, severely limiting the time they had to consider the draft texts of the declaration and programme of action to be adopted at the Durban conference," said WCC programme executive for combatting racism Marilia Schüller.

    The WCC delegation is also critical of the prepcom's decision not even to consider issues such as reparation for the victims of the slave trade, slavery and colonialism as crimes against humanity and therefore deserving compensation for the economic, political and cultural damage done to communities of Africans and African descendants.

    "Governments' hardline positions to exclude issues related to reparation, the situation of Dalits and discrimination against Palestinians, is itself a racist position," said Rev. Lawrence Burnley of the United Church of Christ in the USA. "All this calls into question the seriousness of the member states to combat racism", he said.

    Despite the fact that UN rules allow accredited non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to address the plenary session of such UN conferences, few have been permitted to do so thus far. This is seen by the WCC delegation as a reversal of assurances given earlier in the conference planning process for the full participation of NGOs.

    The additional meetings needed to complete work before the Durban conference will almost certainly reduce the number of NGOs who can afford to attend. This includes the WCC delegation, which leaves today. This is another point of criticism by the WCC delegation, whose members are drawn from a number of WCC member churches.

    "However, the frustrating results of the prepcom merely propel us forward, as churches, with even more energy and renewed conviction, to continue the struggle against racism," said Rev. Dr Sirirat Pusurinkham of the Church of Christ in Thailand. "We also call for a renewed commitment from UN member states in the coming months. Without such commitment the conference in Durban will merely build on antagonisms between governments and victims of racism and racial discrimination instead of being a united front against racism, which was the original intention for the conference."

    For more information contact:
    Karin Achtelstetter, Media Relations Officer
    tel.: (+41 22) 791 6153 (office);
    e-mail: [email protected] Top of page
    2001 press updates

    WCC homepage

    The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches, now 337, in more than 100 countries in all continents from virtually all Christian traditions. The Roman Catholic Church is not a member church but works cooperatively with the WCC. The highest governing body is the assembly, which meets approximately every seven years. The WCC was formally inaugurated in 1948 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Its staff is headed by general secretary Konrad Raiser from the Evangelical Church in Germany.

  • anewperson

    Addressing several things: This thread's main gist seems to be that when taxed in a country like France, the WTS sends bank account money from there over to England in an effort to dodge being taxed which must violate some national or European Union law – although correct this if it’s being wrongly put, please. Also, it was interesting that Amazing wrote “I do investigative work, so if you need some help, email me at [email protected] Although I did not make the initial discovery, I was able to complete the work to prove that the Watch Tower Society is a 50% owner in a stock that produces weapons and equipment for the US military. So, sometimes these links we find do prove to turn into something.” So which stock is it, or perhaps you are looking to see if they may have done the same regarding other stock investments or even awaiting a better day to pop this one out of the WTS’s closet? Since the articles exposing the UN – Watchtower Society liason 1991 – October 2001 was in the Guardian newspaper in Britain, as you say numerous British Bethelites must now know of it and be examining files and memos from within. Some have said Henschel has motor difficulties such as speech impairment. All these things happened during "his watch" and with his blessing prior to the worsening ill health, and for the past several years Ted Jarasc has been doing a lot of the "hands-on" running of things at Brooklyn.

  • Celtic

    An email sent to me earlier from [email protected]


    "The World Council of Churches does not have any particular information about the Jehovah's Witnesses. The WCC has never had any contact with this organisation or organisations.



    Hi, if you need a hand on any matters and require assistance, feel free to email me at [email protected]


    If you need a download of the think tanks database, please ask and I'll get a copy forwarded to you.

    All the best!!



    Hi all, I do apologise for the time it takes me to reply

    Thank you for all the research (inc celtic)
    It appears that IBSA is covering it's tracks well.

    While it is probaly true, that the WTBS / Jehovah's Witnesses have had no direct association with the WCC.

    IBSA a british charity "owned by the Society" have had small financial transactions with a charity "used by the WCC"

    I admit that I was hoping that Detailed searches by other posters more experienced than myself in knowing how to obtain info would have gleaned more information.


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