The C word

by ness 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • forsharry

    I tell everyone that I know that I was raised in a cult. I leave no stones unturned when describing it...i spread the word man...spread the word. Then again I also tell people that I'm on anti-depressants and am prone to bouts of depression. I am not ashamed of who I am or what has happened to me. To admit shame would be to say that it still has control and power over me. Ain't gonna happen. The Hopester

  • JeffT

    I call it a cult, and I was absorbed at the age of 22. Had nothing to do with it until late in college.

  • monophonic

    ah, found the rules, i guess i should see 'terms of use' but i'm so used to just clicking, 'yes, i agree, can i install photoshop now?' w/o reading that it's an easy thing to ignore.

    anyway, implying the 'c' word is okay, but saying the actual innuendo is not. that's another of the many reasons why i left the jws is b/c of the double standards....the, oh you can say 'darn', but not 'damn', no wait 'damn' is okay.

    so, you can say the 'c' word, ha ha, really mean 'cult', while everyone thinks 'c*$t', very funny=non-offensive.

    (i have no issue with the original poster and feel this is a great topic)

    then i use it in a context not to insult anyone here, but insulting the governing body w/ it...raise your hand if you haven't insulted the governing body in this forum, but, then people complain to the moderators and don't complain directly to this forum, which i find lame and pathetic.

    i would've apologized, but some people are determined to escalate something and in the end it looks like my previous post could've been threatening to an insult to an individual, which it wasn't.

    so, i found the rules. i've seen swearing on this site. i didn't insult or target anyone except the wtbts, but the moderators pull the whole message b/c of complaints, which might give the idea that i was being rash to individuals here and i was not.

    that's my only beef, and that i couldn't have a chance to re-edit my post.

    insinuating C%$t, is A-OK, writing out the whole word is not.

    i'll continue to hang out and post since it is cathartic for me to read the information here and be in discussion and i intend no ill will.

    whoever couldn't reply to my post and request i change things around b/c it's inappropo or they were offended, continue to stand behind the skirts of your mothers and complain to the moderators, i have no respect for you and would've had more if you told me to F-off. (again, f-off is okay i assume and puts the word in your minds, but don't write it b/c it's a harmful word.)

    this double standard is pathetic, but i am not a moderator here, just voicing my opinion regarding this.

    those who run this website, i'm am grateful for what you're doing, this is the best jw/ex-jw group i've seen on the internet and you have my full respect, except for this one issue which i won't press further, but felt it was important to bring up under my message, the message you wiped away b/c there was no explanation to the forum other than "there were complaints". most of my message should've been left in, was quoted further in the discussion, and could've been edited with "here he said c---- in the last sentence, and we don't allow that".

  • Tatiana

    Most definitely a cult. Has all the signs. I'm not uncomfortable telling anyone. I put it in all my profiles on many boards I belong to. Even non-religious ones. The more people I can educate, the better. .

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I have no problem telling people that JW is a cult. I want to educate as many people about it as I possibly can. The more people are aware of it the less chance of them getting invloved with the next JW at their door.

  • bluebell

    I generally stress that the actual people in it are mostly nice and just following the rest so as to keep their friends and family and as for the religion - at its best it is a high control group and at its worst it is a cult.

  • ex-nj-jw

    No if's and's or but's, it's a cult! And I don't have a problem saying I was born and raised in a cult! Thankfully I got out.


  • Country Girl
  • Paralipomenon

    I'm with IP_SEC. I hardly tell anyone that I was raised a witness. If religion comes up, I will admit that I had a strong religious upbringing and if asked what, I will say a Jehovah's Witness.

    I don't use the term cult in reference to the witnesses because I don't feel they are, but that topic has been hashed out many a time already.

    So for the tally, I was raised a witness and do not use the term cult in reference to the organization.

  • undercover

    It's a cult and the leaders are only two letters away

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