So why he did not give his blood to drink to his disciples ? But he gave them a substitute ! Also some amount could have been preserved to be miraculously multiplied into hundreds of gallans to and given to drink to save all the sick believing in him - why no blood was left if it was the most saving blood ? He said the words during last supper and why did the disciples not run to the cross to get a small drop of blood and drink it ?If Christ said they had to drink "of this cup " ane he meant blood he to drink .
If you told me in the kitchen my child don't eat that soup that is on the table .
To obey you I would do all I can to avoid that soop even if I were very hungry. I would not think how to eat the soup in another way around .
If you have the word abstain from blood it can be taken to the extremes to please someone who tells you to abstain from blood . If abstain you may take it to avoid the blood at any rate, any possible way.You simply reject blood by not allowing it into you body as much as you can.
I went also to this point assuming the Watchtower makes mistake on the blood issue and what happens then .
Know that in some religions people believe when man dies he goes to be with the Lord in heaven . So ,people should be happy ,not crying over the death of a man ! Would you cry if your child dies and go to heaven to be in the bliss or would you like to have your child with you and go through tribulations and trials in this mieserable world of bad people and risk the fate of your child if so many turn rebellious and will die forever ?
If son dies you going to see him soon anyway if you are saved man .
Would you panick and kill yourself if you sent your son far away to another country for 20 years and will not see or hear from him ?
You would reconcile with that even you may be not sure what will happen to your son in a foreign country . But if your son dies to be in heaven in the bliss , and certainly you could do your utmost to see him there soon , now it turns out to be a crime ,a tragedy !