Thank you and may you all have peace!
We are here because we are the seed of the Woman, treasure hidden in earthen vessels, being concealed from our enemies in the spirit realm, until such time as we have all been fertilized by God’s holy spirit, in order to effect a NEW birth and so be born AGAIN… as manifest by a releasing from what we inherited from Adam, flesh with its blood… and given a NEW "garment," a "WHITE robe,".... flesh with GOD'S blood... holy spirit... and returned to that place from which we came, the city have real foundations… the spirit realm.
We will not “go to heaven,” at least not in the manner that “Christianity” teaches (i.e., sit on clouds and play harps, separated from those on the earth). We will go into the spirit realm to take part in the Lamb’s marriage, either as his Bride or as guests at the marriage feast, but we don’t stay there out of touch with the physical realm. At some point, NEW Jerusalem… the “City having REAL foundations”… meaning, it is made up of Chris, as the cornerstone, the apostles as the foundations, the prophets and others as pillars, and we as “living stones”… RETURNS… and is situated UPON the earth.
In this way, the SPIRIT realm and the PHYSICAL realms are once again brought back together so that, as it was before Adam sinned… we can go IN… and OUT… of both. Angels (excluding those who are restricted due to their own error) have always been able to do this, and so was Adam, until he caused himself to be “cut off” from entering back into the spirit realm. Since Adam, the only way in… is through Christ, the Door.
Once all things have been gathered back together again, however, the things in the heavens (spirit realm) and the things on earth (physical realm), all will be able to “go in and out and find pasturage.”
The reason we are “restless” is because we are alien residents. WE are. We did not originate in the physical world; we only became ENSLAVED by it, BOUND… because of Adam. Because of him, we MUST eat, drink, sleep, yawn, poop, rely on aircraft, dwell in shelters of sticks and stones, exist in limitation. That is because we inherited our FLESH from Adam AFTER he was enslaved in it. Prior to, he had a body like Christ’s, one that could transform and go in and out.
OUR job… is to try to avoid being devoured by our Adversary, Satan the Devil, who seeks to destroy each and every one of us BEFORE we can be fertilized with God’s holy spirit and returned to the place from which we came, the womb of the woman, Sarah, the Ark of the TRUE covenant… the spirit realm.
We will not have to give up the earth; JAH formed it for us. We will not have to give up the spirit realm; it is our original home. It is His purpose for us to have BOTH. Unfortunately, RELIGION has taught that it must be one… or the other. This is a lie and a means for causing division among the sons of God (“I want to be here,” “I wish to be there”).
As sons in the freedom of God, however, we will not have to choose because as spirits, we can have it all for spirits are bound by physical laws as is flesh with its blood. But this freedom can only be had through the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who gave his life to REPURCHASE the right to it for us. Adam had that right… and GAVE IT UP… for himself AND for us. Christ GAVE HIS LIFE to buy it back.
Our Adversary, the Devil, knows this and has pulled out ALL stops to keep up from it, primarily by using false religion to turn us away from the ONLY One who can lead us back! Using them, he had sowed SO MUCH DOUBT in our minds and hearts… about God… about Christ… about the spirit realm… about heaven… hell… Armageddon, etc., that most of us have lost hope and forgotten who we really are.
When we were young children we KNEW who we were… and no one could convince us from it. As time passed, however, the ridicule and slander, the uncertainty and FEAR began to take it’s toll such that most of us have no idea of who we really are.
But our Father is NOT a Father of fear… but one of LOVE. And He sent His oldest, our brother, to tell us, remind us… guide us… and lead us back. All WE need do is WAKE UP… and LISTEN.
Many here ridicule when I say I hear our Lord. But I do hear him. He is with us. But if we continue to let the climate of this world… and our fear of being “foolish” stand in the way, we will never make it back to where we belong: in bodies of SPIRIT… FREE… with the ability to put on and put off flesh… to come in and out of both the spirit and physical realms as we desire.
Instead, we will let the Adversary [mis]lead us right down the path to destruction, which is his entire goal: to turn us AWAY from God, but turning us AWAY from Christ… and turning us, instead, toward death… and destruction.
God has put before us life… and death… and begged us to CHOOSE life. I implore you, as seeds of the Woman, my fellow spirits bound in flesh with its blood, for your own sake… and for the sake of your children… choose LIFE.
“I am the Way… the Truth… AND THE LIFE.” John 14:6
FIND the Narrow Gate! Go in through the DOOR! KISS THE SON! For just as the curse of Adam came upon his children, the BLESSING of God through Christ, is also for your children.
May those with ears, hear what the Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying:
“Come! Take ‘life’s water’… the holy spirit of God that is poured out upon ALL who are seeking and wishing and thirsting… FREE!”
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with, and a slave of Christ,