This is the title of the 18th chapter in Don Cameron's new book,"Captives of a Concept" I just got. The WTS would want us to move on, shut up, be powerless as they control its people to not listen to us. Well, 'Radio Free Europe' worked with time against the USSR (and actually USSR destroyed itself as it only drastically hurt their own people). That why I am on the internet to have a voice out there with you!.. I have successfully walked away but I will not be quiet.
"The Internet - The Watchtower's Worst Nightmare"
by Gayle 23 Replies latest jw friends
Mrs Smith
I have successfully walked away but I will not be quiet.
Amen, sister!!
This is true. Never before has there been a worldwide medium that is all but impossible to shut up. Even Al Qeida (sp) get shut down, but pops right back up. And it does not cost much or is free (libraries...I wonder how many active Dubs go there to lurk). It must be already having an effect, or the FDS would not have adressed it in the Sept KM QB. I told my Dad the FDS says they are providing all the food needed, but evidently not for me or the ones they wrote about that want more---from "outside resources."
GO WWW!!!!.....and thank you AlGore....oompa
You go, girl. The internet is something entirely new to them. Talk about being caught with their pants down!!!
Surely the internet is the worst thing that can happen to a dictatorial group of men that wish to tightly control the knowledge base of their members because their own positions are very weak and can easily be shaken down with a bit of outside enlightenment.
And fortunately it is becoming cheaper and more wide spread all the time. -
Excellent post and an interesting analogy, Gayle. It reminded me of a program I saw one time about China and the internet. If one were to use any of the internet search engines in a free society and research 'Tiananmen Square' it immediately pulls up the massacre in 1989 along with references to the 'tank guy' that stepped in front of the incoming military force. If you did that same internet search within China you would probably find a government friendly tourist information site. The program then filmed younger Chinese citizens being asked about the events of that time - and they didn't have a clue as to what happened.
I know that if the wts had any real control over the internet, or for that matter could put together the resources to distribute a jw-only search engine, all anti or alternative thought sites in opposition to their demonic-inspired teachings would be unreachable.
As long as the wts can pay only 'lip-service' to try and warn their
membersslaves(oh wait, according to the Sept KM they're now called 'associates') against finding true freedom on the internet, I won't be quiet either.Eagle
I just got my copy in the mail yesterday...YEA...and it was my day off...YEA, so I got to read it.
AWESOME - everything I have been trying to organize in a logical manner has already been done by Don, incredible job, it even has the 09/07 Kingdom Ministry QFR BS in it.
Don - you ROCK.
A remark I have made a lot. It is their worst nightmare.
Information about the WT pours our each day.
Whether it be from our own experiences, which years ago we would have lived with silently. To exposing false teachings, false prophecies, flip-flop doctrine, exposing the mind-control of members. Also no longer can those who do wrong hide, pedophiles are being exposed, who at one tome would be able to carry on their evil. The media, TV, newspapers now report such happenings becuase they have been uncovered.
When I became a JW 36 years ago there was only 2-3 books I could find on them and they didn't telll much. Now there are dozens telling people about the WT and how to deal with their teachings. Many more written by those who have sufered under the WT.
If only all this had been ther e 36 years ago...I wouldn't have become a JW ever.
Love the the words ..."I have succesfully walked away, but I will not be quiet!"
That could become a good motto for us all.
For thats what the WT wants of us to quietly go away and never be heard.
Ray Franz was out of there in the early 80's. Randy Watters was out before that. There are scores of books
that could help a JW to realize a problem with the WTS. I didn't know about all that. I started leaving the
Borg based on my examination of WTS literature only. Once I opened the internet to former believer information,
I was flooded with the real truth.Today, a potential recruit might do this search off the bat. A young JW would tend to learn how to do an
internet search of JW's as he gets through High School (or earlier). He might start out for fun, wanting jokes
about the elders or the work. The more they demonize the internet, the more curious faithful ones will get.
WT's own website is really nothing more than their magazines are. Anyone with a valid question that exhausts
their WT CD-ROM will easily just google for more information on the cross, Christmas, Mother's Day, Kwaanza.Even Awake's cutting back on fluff will cause more JW's to look to the internet for answers to their fluff questions.
My wife knows full well that anytime we have a question about anything, we can google it and have some answers
in under a minute.All the WTS can do is demonize searches and put fear into members. There really is no "good news" for them
as far as the internet goes. Perhaps they will try to look like they are embracing the internet and allow the
WT Library to link from it, and allow questions from interested ones to be addressed in some sort of email
responses and storage of their answers on the site. That would at least make them appear less controlling, and
they could say they offer a real alternative to the rest of the net. I could never see them starting a chat site or
a JW meetup. Too many pretenders would climb aboard. -