seeker 4 I couldn't agree with you more.
I've said for years now that the beginning of the end for JWs was the mid-1990s, created by several questionable changes in key teachings ie: the sheep and the goats and especially the 1914-generation; and by the advent of the Internet and free access to it, especially in first world countries. Since then the majority of those countries have seen very, very little increase, no increase or a decline in membership.
Wait til the Net is available in the third world as freely as it is here!
The greatest threat to the WTS is the free and open exchange of information and ideas, combined with the ability to question openly and debate ideas.
I remember the 90's--Neutrality went to hell. (I went to prison in the 60's for two years for what they threw away in one frigging WT article in the 90's.)
Then the Generation debacle. What a joke. 80 years of teaching in one paragraph!
In a '97 WT study article they made a comment to the effect, "Is there corruption in the Organization? Yes. Is it riddled with corruption? No! Is God going to reject this organization and choose another? JEHOVAH WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING!"
When I read that, I was in a meeting, and I turned to my wife and said, "This thing is over with". Sounds just like the Jews that felt their temple would never be destroyed.
Been Gone 2 and a half years and life is better.