QUOTE: Love the the words ..."I have successfully walked away, but I will not be quiet!" <br><br><br><br><br>Somebody here said you can't leave totalitarian borgs without a fight. Those are the terms set by the wt, the man of sin, act II which needs to be exposed. It's one thing for the wt to condemn religions infected with babylonian nonsense. It's quite another for da judge to change what the founder established by legal trickery and establish a new borg patterned after the original apostate borg. <br><br><br><br>http://www.bibletoday.com/V2/volumetwo_S09.htm <PAGE 287-88> <br><br><br><br>"Thus the great falling away from the faith, predicted by the Apostle Paul, is an established fact of history. All historians bear witness to it, even those who approve the assumption of power and eulogize the chief actors in the scheme. We regret that our space limits our quotations to some of the most pointed expressions. The falling away, covering a period of centuries, was so gradual as to be much less noticeable to those who then lived in its midst than to us who see it as a whole; and the more deceiving was it because every step of organization, and every advance toward influence and authority in the Church and over the world, was taken in the name of Christ, and professedly to glorify him and fulfil his plans recorded in Scripture. Thus was the great Antichrist developed--the most dangerous, most subtle and most persistent opponent of true Christianity, and the most fiendish persecutor of the true saints...........The Apostle Paul foretold that this iniquitous principle would work secretly for a time, while some opposing thing stood in the way, until, the hindrance being removed, it could have a free course, and progress rapidly to the development of the Antichrist. He says, "Only he that now hindereth will hinder, until he be taken out of the way." (`2 Thess. 2:7`) What does history have to show in fulfilment of this prediction? It shows that the thing which hindered a rapid development of Antichrist was the fact that the place aspired to was already filled by another."