For almost a year,I had a fox hiding among foxhounds, to indicate my status as a "study" who really knew the Watchtower is a cult and was hoping to plant some seeds with my Witness friends. "Truthsearcher" seemed appropriate--I am searching for those who want to know the truth about The Truth. So far I have only found them here on JWD.
by Vernon Williams 91 Replies latest jw friends
My avatar is a drawing by my son. My name is name refers to the fact that I like coffee and I drink it black. I'd Simpsonize it, but I don't want to change my son's drawing.
My husband likes my boobs, so he took this picture, I change my avatars from time to time.
It was a case of what did I have available. I had saved this wolf picture in My Pictures sometime before, don't even remember why, and I really liked the picture, so I thought why not use it. I really like wolves (all animals really) and there is just something about this one peaking out from behind the tree that spoke to me.
Sad emo
Clyde and I would like to have an avatar. Will someone tell me how to do it?
Easiest way - save the picture you want to your computer, then go into your profile - click the option which reads something like 'upload an image from my computer' and then use the browse button to find your pic. Select it. Click 'open' - that will put the filename into your profile. Finally, go to the bottom of the profile page and click 'save changes'! To see your pic almost straight away, you need to click the refresh button (if you're in IE). Good luck!
I've always liked M.C. Escher and the circular nature of things.
My avatar is a picture of Snow Hill Institute founded by W. J. Edwards in 1893. Mr. Edwards was a student of Booker T. Washington while at Tuskegee Institute. He walked!!! from Macon County to Wilcox County after his graduation from Tuskegee.
Mr. Edwards' son was my ninth grade math teacher. He told me that I had a brilliant mind and that he was going to make a mathematician out of me. Unfortunately, his school was closed due to the dreaded "I" word - integration.
Spike Lee is a relative of Mr. Edwards and often visits Snow Hill with his aunt, Consuela Lee, who has attempted to revive her granddaddy's beloved school. I told you guys that I love history, didn't I?
My avatars, I have a couple, are of myself, all recent. I like changing my hair color ok? I tried to simpsonize myself but couldn't get the darn thing to go thru, busy server!
Sweetface is showing her sweet face.
I have had others in the past. A couple being intimate on a beach, a girl kissing a guys tummy, a silhouette of a woman's body, and a logo for my spinning classes. I am sensual and like the exercise!
If the poor guy on my left was animated, you'd understand. He's just a wee bit flatulent.