by Vernon Williams 91 Replies latest jw friends
good message.
My avatar is a picture of the star of Bethlehem that sits on South Mountain that overlooks Bethlehem PA where I live.
my avatar looks like me - with my skin removed. It's the face muscles from an anatomy chart. Why did I pick it? Felt kinda pissy that day and it looked wierd.
I chose this unicorn so I could allow myself to believe in the incredible---namely the ability to fully heal from the ravages of being brainwashed into a cult.
So now I fully believe in unicorns.
Barbie Doll
that is my picture.
Well i change mine regularly now according to my mood, but the current one is my all time favorite actor. Before that i had lucius malfoy for a few days but had to change it as everytime i saw amy posts with that avatar i kept thinking 'whose avatar is that?' duh!
Locutus of Borg
From my thread "My New Avatar" back about 3 weeks ago...
I decided to deep six the old one, it was Donald Sutherland from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". To be honest, it even creeped me out. Maybe it was a defence mechanism to keep people at a distance . .
Anyway, I hope you like my new one, it is much more *me*.
I present to you . . . Mr. James Marshall Hendrix, a free spirit if there ever was one, a musical genius who changed the way the guitar is played forever. A genius who was consumed by the industry that gave him his success. He made me realize, in 1967, when I was 14, that there was creative genius out there, that the Borg was not all there was. He woke me up to the beauty of musical expression and poetic prose. I sincerely believe that that awakening way back then was crucial to me being where I am now, out and free.
He was a catalyst.
I chose this avatar because i liked this pic of me.
I love the Bender character from Futurama. I like his rebellious yet humorous attitude. "Bite my shiny metal ass" says it all.
It took me a long time to find an Avatar that I felt really meant something
to me…I wanted so much from it… finally found what I was looking for.
Pisces: by - Yeechi Chen
Other worldly
The Moon at night in water
Pisces symbol
"LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL"… sometimes when I am feeling low, I
look at it… (my wallpaper on laptop) and it reminds me that “This too
shall pass"…