Current Witnesses That Bitch, Moan & Complain

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I think there's a lot of them. They realize that they are not being treated so good. They might've been elders and ministerial servants or pioneers or Bethelites in the past. They just know that things aren't what they used to be like in the good old days. They feel something lacking. They just know it! They now grumble about their lot in life within the congregation and feel as if nobody REALLY cares about them.

    Do you agree with this assessment???

  • changeling

    They are just in the early stages of ending up here!


  • thepackage

    I totally agree. Funny thing is that now that I don't go to meetings they like to call me and complain about how bad they are treated. I just listen and tell them "whatever".

  • minimus

    Some of the ones that I know are older, in their late 60s. I doubt they'll go anywhere, but the positive side is that they actually weaken the Organization by their attitudes.

  • The-Borg

    I think they are still in the denial stage. They think everyone else is ok, its just happening in their congregation. If you read the watchtower and literature everything is just tickety boo, this is just one big loving happy family.

  • minimus

    In their mind, where else is there to go????

  • The-Borg
    In their mind, where else is there to go????

    After all they are the fafefulll and discweet swave that wot serves fooood at the pwoper tiiiime!!

  • Blueblades

    I think that the Pioneers do a lot of moaning and complaining with their gossiping at the coffee shop. They talk about this one and that one and so and so and still count their time hours of slow walking and stopping as they talk about everything but what they are supposed be out there for. I know this from experience when I took the lead on weekdays with them. they go through the motions, leave mags and tracts here and there. Ok, some are sincere, most like to boast i'm a pioneer and that makes me better then you. RV's and Bible studies are for rainy days to get inside and have coffee and cake. Not at homes are another reason to make that shopping and stopping at the coffee shop. Their pusblishing record chart is off the wall. The C.O. likes that.


  • minimus

    Pioneers clearly can be in the complaining group. They usually disparage the elders because they're not really taking the lead in the service. They tend to be snide in their comments!

  • yknot

    When Freddie ceased his input into the Society, it started to die the very slow death we all see.

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