What's the point of it all anyway??

by Maddie 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maddie

    I am getting to wonder what the point of life is anyway. What is it really all about? Are we just a product of evolution with the sole purpose of survival?

    I feel so confused and anxious right now. I have a washing machine head - tons of thoughts, doctrines, fears going round and round and round. Is it normal to feel like this when you come on JWD, part of the process of leaving the borg, or is it me going weird?


  • candidlynuts

    it is hard. i imagine all of us that have left have felt or do feel like you do.

    i think its because as witnesses we thought we had answers to every question (accurate or not)

    and now we have to start from scratch and start figuring life out all over again.

    just hang in there, read some philosphers maybe, enjoy the exploration part of it. you can now ask any question and search out anything you want to!

  • The-Borg

    Maddie, its part of the process. You begin to question everything after being deceived about so much for so long. Your discovering that there are no black and white answers to all these questions. Maybe we will find out one day.

  • flipper

    MADDIE- It's understandable to feel this way when you come out of the org. You know, I don't have the solution to the universe, but I have found that just showing caring to people, love to others and educating ourselves about life, enlitening ourselves with information about the world we live in can be helpful. I've enjoyed reading psychology books, and since being out of the witnesses for 4 years I have developed hobbies and interests that being in the organization would not have allowed time for. There is a great big world out here with lots to learn. Try to make it an enjoyable journey! Enjoy the possibilities and ride! Peace to you, you will make it! Always feel free to post here, you are among friends who havebeen through similar feelings! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • oompa

    It is normal to feel washing machine head once living at JWD.

    Yes we are going weird.

    I am pretty much saying--- to hell with everything...there is no way to really know anything deep anymore.

    lots not figured out....oompa

  • Maddie

    I can't seem to make decisions any more because I don't trust myself to make the right ones. I don't know who I am at the moment, can't seem to concentrate on much and not really interested in doing much anyway. I won't go on feeling like this surely but how long does it last ?


  • Gopher

    Hi Maddie. When I first left the JW's I questioned everything I had ever heard, even from non-JW sources.

    It takes a while to think it through into something that makes sense. No two people reach the same answer on everything.

    One time somebody said this on the forum: "I'd rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question." Some things will remain mysterious, other things will become crystal clear.

    Keep reading, keep in contact with people. You're not all on your own as you journey into the previously-unknown zone called "intellectual freedom". It's very liberating, and also it's an awesome responsibility at the same time.

  • Gopher

    If you don't mind I'll share a couple other thoughts, not exactly original but worthwhile.

    The point of life -- whatever you make it! Enjoy life with a sense of wonder, leave the world a better place, contribute to other's well-being. Get out and do whatever those things mean to you.

    Decisions, decisions. When inside the JW's they took away our initiative to use our wonderful brain and make decisions. We weren't "important enough" to make our own decisions.

    Now they no longer have the power. You have to take it. And you can take control. The decisions don't need to be perfect every time, either. (That's a left-over feeling from the JW's.) Some of our decisions will be really good ones, others will be mistakes to learn from. That's real life.

    Of course, I'd recommend this JWD discussion board over the "Watchtower Publications Index" for assistance anyday.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Maddie asked,

    Are we just a product of evolution with the sole purpose of survival?

    In a nutshell, yes. We derive "meaning" from our lives by the talents we develop, by the friends we cherish and by the good works we leave behind to help others we will never meet.

    Have you ever had a "peak experience," when you felt like you could fly? Those are the things that give value and meaning to your life.

    Your life certainly is not given value by supporting the Universal Sovreignty of a sockpuppet who lives in a dresser drawer in Brooklyn.

  • Gopher

    However, it's 1:42 a.m. in the U.K. so I don't blame you if you gave up on this thread for the night.

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