What's the point of it all anyway??

by Maddie 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • freyd

    There's more to life than what we possess. http://reslight.net

  • nvrgnbk

    Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it. Mohandas Gandhi

  • Maddie

    Sorry I just couldn't carry on with my thread last night. I started crying so I guess stuff needed to come out.

    I know that it a case of "time will heal" (hopefully) and I am so pleased that I found you all and value your experiences and advice so thank you.


  • greendawn

    As you read and learn more and your perspective widens you will eventually find your right level. I never had much of a crisis because I had always believed in the existence of a creator and the gospel and thus had a sense of purpose in life.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea


    You have a pm.

  • jgnat

    The point of life is to walk it. The journey has many sights along the way, and you must be there to be see it and be part of it.

  • oompa
    I can't seem to make decisions any more because I don't trust myself to make the right ones. I don't know who I am at the moment, can't seem to concentrate on much and not really interested in doing much anyway. I won't go on feeling like this surely but how long does it last ?

    Maddie, this has happened to me as well, esp. the loss of interest in things I had always loved. I had to get some meds, and it still lasted. Changed meds about 6 times over the past year before I feel more "normal" but now I don't know if it is the meds or if time has healed me some, but I hope "normal" comes back to you soon.

    dont like meds.....oompa

  • JK666


    I went through a lot of those same problems when I mentally left the Borg. Your entire belief system has been shaken to the core. You don't know what to believe. Therefore confusion ensues.

    Try to put your thoughts and feelings down on paper. The discorporated thoughts floating in your head are frustrating. Post here to help you gain clarity.


  • OnTheWayOut

    If it helps you, I was sure that the Bible was God's communication with Man, and that the
    answers were out there somewhere not long ago. I just felt that JW's got it wrong.

    Now I understand I was in a mind-control cult, and I feel that misleading men wrote the
    Bible to mislead and fleece the flocks. I don't think any religion has the truth and I am
    unable to say there is a God with any answers.

    So, yes, it is the process of learning and growing and removing false ideas.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    <------ just keep swimming, even though you might not know exactly where you're going at the moment.

    There are lot's of 'Dorys' here to help

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