I actually saved a classified ad from an east coast paper that needed experienced crew on a 48' sailing yacht. I was at this town for my 10th wedding anniversary and staying at a nice B&B. This was back in April. I used to love to sail, and have done so for over 30 years, taken courses, and can captain/charter boats up to 50 ft. This older couple just needed a good hand and someone to cook (which I love to do). The trip was four months in the Bahamas and four up the mainland and they even paid $200 a week plus all provisions. My wife found the ad in my laptop case. I told her the truth, I know I love her, but just want to go away so bad and I cried cause that was our anniversary and I still felt that way. So often I have just wished I was dead, and her and the kids would have plenty of insurance money. But of course that too would be hard on them so sometimes I just want to go away for a long long time. That too would be hard on them. I don't see me replacing all my friends and family very well. Too much good history, and I mean fun stuff, not meeting stuff.
Has anyone here just decided to be ok with giving up on wanting/needing/making new friends to replace ones that now seem alien to us? I am kind of liking the quiet and may be content like this. Since I don't argure anymore with Wife and son about the lies we have all been fed, it is real quiet at home too. I really don't feel I know my wife and son anymore and they sure as hell don't know me and don't want to take the time to do so. I have always been a funny and happy guy, now, not so much.
maybe we dont all grow with new friends...maybe we can just be alone and find a measure of peace...oompa