Welcome Akira, your determination to know the truth is remarkable unfortunately the JWs have been misled into serving a manmade organisation as if this were serving God.
The worst thing with them is that they have been blocked from being part of the New Covenant and therefore can not be true Christians.
My thoughts
by Akira 21 Replies latest jw friends
I would like to know how to serve God in the way that He wants.
In any case, if you seek God with an open heart and without WTS preconceptions, you WILL find Him
Akira, welcome to JWD. I was going to answer the same as RollerDave, so no need to go there.
You expressed yourself quite well, by the way.
Welcome, Akira. The good news, if I read your story right, is that your husband is coming along with you on your journey of discovery. It will be very difficult if your family realizes how far away you are from their old traditions. Be kind to yourself and make friends outside the society as much as you can.
As for discovering God and re-reading the bible in a new light, I suggest you don't hurry to join any other group. Just quietly study on your own for a while. I find that the inductive bible study method to be much more satisfying and complete. That is, read a whole book of the bible to get it's full meaning. Don't jump around.
there's no hurry, so take your time studying. You don't need to break away right away. You might find it easier to find jobs in a different town and move since so many of your family are in the congregation. With that many in the congregation related to you, I imagine you'd start a firestorm of reproach if you just quit attending meetings and tell them you don't believe any more. Take it slowly. But I wonder if you have children? That could make it difficult.
Welcome to the forum. I think the advice to take it slow is wise. I've tried to attend churches, but that doesn't get it for me as too much wt programming floods into my mind. Know that God loves you just the way you are and you don't have to do anything out of the ordinary to earn his love. It's called GRACE. I asked Jesus to reside in my heart and life has been good. Just be a good person and be open to following whatever you find. Best wishes in your journey.
Welcome Akira!
Truth, as in the opposite of lies. yes there is such a thing.
Truth, as in, absolute truth, I don't think so.
I don’t want to be bitter; I would like to know how to serve God in the way that He wants.
Best way to do that is to get rid of god for a while. Then when you get your head cleared go looking for him/her, or it again. We all tend to want to focus on the big things thinking that the little things will just take care of themselves; they don't! Take care of the small things first then when you have freetime go find god. Otherwise if he/she will come to you if it really that important to him/her.
Welcome to the forum. All the thoughts and feelings you are struggling with, we have, too. Stay with us......
Welcome to the Board
purps -
To thine own self be true. The wisdom of the heart uses no words and thinks no thoughts , but it knows what to do .
We ignore it at our peril .
Welcome to the forum , take alook around and make yourself comfortable ,