Living in a small country town there wasn't alot of places to get a nice meal. Some brothers would go to eat at a club that also had gambling so the Elders shut this practice down. Yet a Sister worked in the cigarette section {8 items or less lane} of a supermarket..this was Okay???
Why can't Witnesses Gamble? There's nothing in the bible about it!!!
by Witness 007 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Gambling is OK if it can be kept under control but some people become compulsive gamblers and end up losing out in a major way, their families also suffer.
There should be a rule in society against heavy financially crippling gambling. I know people that died in poverty despite having enjoyed high a income throughout their working lives. -
The same is true for alcohol but I doubt they will change the moderate drinking policy.
the dreamer dreaming
every move is a gamble to some degree, rare are 100% certainties found. but some gambling is Las Vegas-- the house is not a fair player. they don't have to WIN to take your money, you just have to LOSE. that does not guarentee the house will always win, but it gives them much better odds then they give you. plus if you start a winning streak, they can ask you to leave. that is how people who are not so bright get suckered big time... they are operating under some superstitious belief in winning streaks and lady luck, while vegas is taken your money on pure mathematical realities. example- the slot machines dont remember who won and what the won and so each play is unrelated to any other. you could, in practice win a thousand pulls in a row. the reason that does not happen is because for every winning combination there are like a thousand losers...and they can adjust the number of winning to losing combinations and accurately predict what the overall payout will likely be over time. --the dreamer dreaming --unable to login at the moment.
The whole "Goddess of Good Luck" thing is such a ridiculous notion. I actually put $5 down on a Nascar pool today.
There is a group of JW's that get together or at least used to get together every other friday to play Texas Hold em'. Is this not kosher for them? Are they doing it on the sly? The friend I'm always talking about actually joined a couple of my friends games and wiped the table with them. Could it be that it's at the discretion of each hall? Again, I just don't get it....such double standards.
The Watchtower wants you to put your money in their contribution boxes instead of gambling. That's the bottom line.
Back when I was 17 several people in the Edgewood/Milton WA cong would go to the horse races right after the sunday meeting. I fiqured that they were just watching but when I asked I found out they were betting. My mom went to an elder to ask if they were aware of it but it went on for a least two more years until I left.
This was the same elder pool that told me I could not be used for special privileges because I had a hunting rifle. I doubt I will ever be able to fiqure out their logic or lack thereof.
Why can't Witnesses smoke? There's nothing in the Bible about it.
Smoking and gambling use money that could be donated to the Borg.
They will probably outlaw the morning coffee break soon. -
wha happened?
I like your logic.
I'm another person who agrees that many facets of life include a "gamble". Starting a business, Buying stock, IRA's, 401k's, all which I have done. Although I have received flak from any one of these "gambles".
My Wife and I frequaint Vegas on a regular basis as we live about 4 hours drive away being in Los Angeles. We love the posh hotels and casinos. Most are either comped or greatly discounted because I throw a few bucks at the poker machines. I never go to win and I never spend more than a few hundred gambling.