Why can't Witnesses Gamble? There's nothing in the bible about it!!!

by Witness 007 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • changeling

    You know those booths at a fair where you pay a dollar and get a chance of shooting a duck or something and then if you do they give you a teddy bear?

    How is that different from paying a slot machine?

    How come JW's can shoot the duck but not play slot machines?

    Here's a tidbit: An eldery sister from a hall I used to attend was publicly reproved. The reason? She put a quarter in a slot machine.

    She should have shot the duck.


  • M.J.

    I know from experience that bros I've met in Las Vegas congos have no problem going to shows, attractions or restaurants in the casinos.

    Of course the gambling thing is all about appearances.

  • oompa

    Wit007, I would bet you just about anything you are very wrong about this subject.

    let it ride.....oompa

  • NewYork44M
    The Watchtower wants you to put your money in their contribution boxes instead of gambling. That's the bottom line.

    Same thought. Every dollar spent on a lottery ticket or quarter shoved in a slot machine is money not put in the contribution box.

  • JCanon

    Actually, I believe in some ancient manuscripts they have found an 11th Commandment that went something like:



    I think the mafia had that taken out of the new Bibles actually.... But that's just a rumor.



    Oompa..As usual,your full of Sh*t!..You don`t know "Sweet Jack Sh*t!!"..And.."That`s a Fact,Jack!!"..LOL!!..Did you hang out with JW`s?..Did you hang out with JW`s who had "Serious Cash?"..Hanging out with us,does not mean you are one of us!..Remember that!!...OUTLAW

  • JCanon

    Listen, if someone wants to, out of civic pride to donate a couple thousand dollars to a city in the desert that doesn't have much water, I see nothing wrong with that. But do DONATE! If for some reason one of the collection machines gives you your money back it would not be in the spirit of helping the city out if you took that money home. You have a civic obligation to give those winnings back.

    So if you say go to Vegas and win $10 million dollars on keno, it would be a sin to take that money right? The Christian thing to do would be to give it back, right? Then there's no guilt. Vegas needs our money so contributing to the development of the city is part of being civically responsible. It's just that simple.

    I must say though, every time I go to Vegas and don't have time to give my winnings back I feel bad I didn't get a chance before the plane left to give it all back.

    Greed or civic duty to a desert town that needs water? That's how I see it.


  • JCanon

    LISTEN! It's not about greed or anything like that. The fact is, some people get a strong sense of civic duty and they want to contribute to society, give something back. Las Vegas is a desert city, not much water and they are in great need of help. Believe it or not, there are actually some vacant lots in Vegas that have yet to see a casino, so it's more dire than some think. So sometimes you want to help and want to contribute and Vegas just makes it easier to give your money away for a civic cause. Ask anyone who went to Las Vegas with some money and came back broke. They tell you they had fun helping the city out! Usually.....

    Am I right? Yeah, tell it like it is, Baby!


  • fresia

    I always buy my powerball every week, and a rare scratchie, none of there buisness what I do with MY MONEY>

  • Cheetos

    Because they again, like to control other peoples actions and if you let them shame on you!

    I love to play slotts from time to time, and go to a casino and eat at the buffet on fish night, and drink lots of beer and if I am winning big on a slott I will tip the waitress to go get me a good cigar. I won a lot of money playing two dollar machines I always won good on colored Lucky Sevens" and Double Dimond Double Spin".

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